porting tuxpaint i've finally found the time to
fix and old menu issue for that application.

Some low level school teachers i know, complain
about tuxpaint position -Education/Other menu-
that is not very intuitive.

Packaging it again for mageia, I've relaized that there's
Other nowhere into source tarball and spec file. So i start looking 
at desktop file and found that its categories are Education;Art.

Looking at freedesktop specs[1] i've read Art is related
to Education so tuxpaint desktop file is right.
Removing Art -as i did at the moment using desktop-file-install-, 
tuxpaint is correctly installed into Education menu, so i wonder if
it is a missing specification implementation for that either in
Mandriva or in Mageia.

Said that i believe, anyway, that tuxpaint, and tuxpaint-config as well,
should stay into Education menu as released into cauldron at this moment.


P.S. misc i've sent upstream the tuxpaint & co. patches i imported...


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