* Romain d'Alverny (rdalve...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Hi there,
> for info/review/improv, I updated the mirrors policy page
> (http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=mirrors_policy ) to have:
>  * better readability
>  * more details on sections (distrib, iso, software, people, possible
> archive one)
>  * the mirror howto at the end (may be moved to a separate "how to
> become a mirror?" page I guess).
> Some discussions occurred with a mirror admin that brought up some
> bits left to improve:

>  * have a clear expiration policy (hard to define before having the
> support policy setup)

This cycle cannot be less the support time of a distrib, but the distro
can be archived later. At time I don't know what the support policy...
hard to said much, indeed.

>  * have an archive section in the mirror

What is this for ?

>  * keep on explaining the "tainted" section outcomes, so mirror admins
> have better facts & info to decide

>  * provide clear rsync modules to help admins quickly pick up what
> fits best for them.

Since all mirrors sync their tree from tier1, and we don't have the hand
on tier1 servers, we cannot provides rsync share as we want...

> Romain

Olivier Thauvin
♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ ♘ ♖

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