2011/3/10 Oliver Burger <oliver....@googlemail.com>

> There was already a discussion about that in the alpha2 iso thread but I
> think
> it's better to discuss this in a thread of its own.
> Most people "voted" for smplayer in the other thread, which would be fine
> with
> me. It's qt based (nothing against gtk, but using a gtk based application
> as
> default in kde is just weird. try to do it the other way arround and you'll
> be
> lynched by gnome fans), its backend mplayer is a powerfull player.
> But: I'm having a strange thing about it on my Mageia box: I start it, I
> open
> an ogg file, I play it. I close smplayer, start it again and it won't play
> the
> same ogg file anymore. I close smplayer again rm ~/.config/smplayer start
> it
> again, it plays my file and so on. Anybody else having the same thing? Is
> it a
> bug or just pebcak?
> Others preffered dragon player, which is KDE's default. We could but I
> don't
> really like it, since it's a bit too simplistic in my eyes.
> I personally prefer kaffeine. It's working just fine for me, has many more
> options then dragon player. But some of you told it's not stable enough (in
> what way?) and some don't like it because it's not using phonon but libxine
> directly.
> The next option would be totem which I hate (just a personal thing). And
> it's
> a gtk application which I consider weird as default in KDE.
> Then there is kmplayer, I haven't really used it till now, but it's working
> and it's offering you playback of local files, optical media and tv (which
> I
> couldn't test due to not existing hardware.
> Next option would be xine-ui which definitely is looking a bit old
> fashioned.
> Did I forget anything? And what do you think?
> Oliver

VLC would be a nice solution if it had an oxygen theme

Dimitrios Glentadakis

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