Quote: Balcaen John wrote on Fri, 25 March 2011 12:30
> As as already said earlier, if you want to compile TDE, you can also
> compile 
> qt3 with devel enable because you 'll need to *patch* qt3 to be able to
> compile TDE >=3.5.12 cf 
> http://www.trinitydesktop.org/wiki/bin/view/Developers/Qt3

I'm aware of the patch needed for TDE >=3.5.12, but my current interest is
After that when the patch is needed for future versions then I will look at
applying the patch to the qt3 package.

> So i'll repeat myself once more :
> -> enable qt3 with devel support on your box
> -> patch it (because i expect you want to fix some TDE bugs available
> in 3.5.12 
> & you'll need to patch for TDE from svn > 1214094
> -> compile, test TDE on your computer with a prefix in /usr (&not
> /opt)
> -> if everything is ok, ask for a space online (i can help if it's
> really 
> needed for that) to provide TDE in a contrib for more tests
> -> & than if it's ok we can start thinking about including some part of
> it

As I said earlier in this thread I have of course already rebuilt the qt3
package on my box and started working on the TDE packages (thanks to work
done by Tim for Mandriva it's far easier for me now).

The point is with the overwhelmingly negative attitude directed towards me
even 'thinking' about TDE in Mageia, I don't think my reaction is that
surprising, or is it?

At this point I don't think there is any chance that TDE ever goes into the
Mageia repos, given the attitudes I have faced here.

Also this is not really about my ideas as Xavier's post showed, there are
others too that are affected by these arbitrary and unnecessary
limitations (they are probably just less outspoken than I am).

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