On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, xi wrote:

> Hi again,
> You are wrong, there are software which need qt3-devel, but they have been 
> removed from Mageia!
> I have just taken a look at Mageia "missing package" list, and QCad will be 
> removed because it is built against QT3 (quoting: "qcad: stewb - 
> noimport(started to do this one, but as I understand we'd like to drop Qt3, 
> so I stopped)")
> Remember: QCad is a 2D professional drawing tool and it has NO equivalent 
> on Linux, so removing it is clearly a regression compared to Mandriva.

Mandriva is also removing qt3. As well as most distributions.

So if QCad developers want their software to be usable on recent
distributions, they need to port it to qt4.

And it seems some people are working on it, and have it working :

If you want it, you can help making a QCad package using qt4.

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