Thorsten van Lil <> schrieb am 14.06.2011
> Am Montag, 13. Juni 2011, 23:28:04 schrieb Renaud MICHEL:
> > I don't get it why people think a re-install is necessary.
> > My current computer was installed with mandriva 2007 (don't
> > remember if it was .0 or .1), it is now mageia 1 and has been
> > updated to all intermediary mdv releases.
> An Upgrade is nearly the same, than reinstalling. The difference is
> only, that you can use your system in the mean time and you are
> not forced to install the missing packages.
And you keep all your precious settings and databases and webroots 
And of couse the software you did unstall outside of the package 
management (proprietary stuff,...).

And a bit to the argument of having to install loads of software at 
the same time: When some basic libraries are upgraded, loads of 
software have to be rebuilt against them, so with the rolling aproach 
you will just get that massive upgrades more often, so where is the 
bonus in it?
If people want to have their software more up to date, use backports, 
if they want to have it even more up to date, use cauldron, but don't 
cry if anything breaks.


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