
2c from the marcomm team...

> Proposal 1: 
> 6 months release cycle -> 12 months life cycle
> ( Fedora, Ubuntu, Mandriva < 2010.1 && Mandriva != 2006.0 )
> Proposal 2: 
> 9 months release cycle -> 18 months life cycle  
> ( ~ opensuse and the one we used for Mageia 1 )
> Proposal 3: 
> 12 months release cycle -> 24 months life cycle
> ( Mandriva > 2010.1 )

The only reason for marcomm to take a position is that a release is a
nice hook on which to hang another round of publicity.

I think 9 months is good; it gives us a good amount of time to plan
whatever marketing/comms work is needed for release time, but it's
not too long so we fall out of the public consciousness altogether.

And there are other things about us to publicise besides releases, so
we can fill in the gaps nicely!


Trish Fraser, JD9R RQ2D
di jun 14 18:04:15 CEST 2011
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