On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 21:57:03 +0200
Maarten Vanraes <maarten.vanr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Op dinsdag 14 juni 2011 16:22:42 schreef Lee Forest:
> [...]
> > Android mail does that by default. But that just proves my
> > other point. Half the time these replies complaining about top
> > posting, lazyness, or 'netiquette' are being shot back instead
> > of useful respones. In a forum this is much less of a problem.
> > Most forums are only setup to send just your own reply to the
> > topic, and quoting a specific post instead of the whole thread.
> > Thus not letting the user quote that much at a time by default.
> > Less redundancy by design, and we can move past the
> > 'netiquette' complaints and focus on the topics more. And in
> > the process actually modernize this communication system in a
> > way that moves AWAY from mailboxes bombed with redundancy.
> > Don't count on the users to use 'netiquette' because its been
> > long proven that 'common sense is not all that common', and its
> > by definition 'insane' to expect everyone to use it. Because it
> > will always be a problem with some new users who are new to
> > mailing lists.
> I never visit any of the forums.
> the problem with forums is:
>  - no textonly, so too much junk like html, colors, fonts and
> whatnot: this means emphasis on appearance and not on content.
>  - there are more than one forums in all kinds of languages
> so you see, there's people who like forums and people who like ML
> and it's one of the holy wars like the vi vs emacs one, just like
> wobo said.
> this is completely open, everyone is allowed to say their saying,
> there are only a few rules.
> i mean, if you _DO_ want to say your opinion, i think it's only
> normal to make an effort for it. if you can't make the effort,
> then perhaps it's not as high priority to yourself as you would
> like to believe.
> and lastly, i am not fond of your wording choice: "modernizing" ?
> makes me feel like an old dinosaur...

Forums aren't exactly 'modern' - they're just a BBS with added

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