16.09.2011 13:44, Guillaume Rousse kirjutas:
This whole idea of 'touch a package, become its maintainer' assumes than anyone modifying a package has an obvious interest in it. However, they are case when you have rebuild a package just in order to accomodate for changes you made somewhere else. For instance, rebuilding all packages linked against a given library after updating this last one to a new version...
Well, if you don't need those other packages then you just skip rebuilding them to see if anyone needs them. If not then we don't have a problem, they will be dropped :/ If anyone sees that this breaks some functionality in his/her packages then (s)he needs to rebuild them and will become maintainer.

Or we need some optional maintainership status.. like username-forced(-to-be-maintainer). So that other maintainers know they can help or take over package.


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