In data lunedì 21 novembre 2011 20:14:15, Marianne Lombard ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I was reading cooker ML a few days ago (yes I know, it's a strange idea)
> when I've read that Mandriva has stopped using (and thereof developing
> it). They have switched to NetworkManager (you all know this tool).
Funny one of the things made me remove mdv 2011 was NM, i set it up
after the upgrade to manage my 3g usb card, and it worked, but from that point
on i could not use my ethernet card any more it was always disconnected...
but was what nm thought...

> What will Mageia team do ? Continue to maintain and enhance drakx-net or
> follow all others distributions with NetworkManager ?
Well i believe there are only two distros in which it works really -that i 
tested of course- Fedora and Ubuntu.
I believe we should go on of course, but before leaving drakconnect 
we should be very sure nm works for the most
-maybe studying fedora more than mandriva here-

My 2 € cents,   


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