On Wednesday 04 January 2012 22:57, Florian Hubold wrote:
> You didn't get the thread in the international Mandriva forum?

No. I don't watch forums. I'm an old school user who started with Usenet in 
august 1998, and IRC a month later.
I only use/read forums when I have to, like searching google for solutions to 
various problems. ;-)=

I remember my ISP at that time, actively advertized Usenet groups back then. 
They even had Outlook Express automatically setup with a Usenet account as part 
of the automatic email setup routine. That's how I discovered usenet, and I 
still use it to this day.

The only modern "forum" I use is facebook, only because it forces everyone to 
use their actuall names. I use it soley for the purpose of keeping in contact 
with friends who don't like email and IRC to much. :-)=

Johnny A. Solbu
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