On 12/01/12 15:48, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
2012/1/12 Marja van Waes<marj...@xs4all.nl>:
Moreover, in article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.......
Yes, so why do you deny these right sto the majority of the forum people?

I don't :)
I don't even deny it when our seeming majority would turn out to be a minority.

Please be careful with the words "the majority", we don't have a good tool yet to know what everybody wants.

That would mean: inform everybody in the Mageia community in a factual way about the different points of view and then let them vote anonymously. Too many users don't see the polls, I think it would be better to have them on www.mageia.org, instead of hidden in forum threads.

It would be good to make sure there isn't a different, "silent majority" here.

This article was of course written for all those cases when someone has
different thoughts, conscience and/or religion than we have.
<  It is evident from what maāt wrote, that he is convinced the edit time
should stay very limited. Why do we ignore the universal declaration of
human rights and try to force him to do something that is against his
I guess you agree that those principles where written with the spirit
of democracy behind it all - so you agree also that those declarations
do not say that one has the right to force his opinion on all others.

Of course not. Funny that you seem to think maât did that, I didn't see him force anyone to use the forum as it is.

As I wrote in the bug report: we will hopefully see a decision about
this in next council meeting to close this discussion for good

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