Le dimanche 12 février 2012 à 11:30 +0100, Oliver Burger a écrit :
> Am 12.02.2012 11:16, schrieb Michael Scherer:
> > Are you sure that you used the complete
> > It seems that the key that was uploaded was not in the good format. Can
> > you make sure that you used the complete ssh key, ie the whole line, not
> > just the binary encoded blurb in the middle. Without the beginning,
> > ( ie ssh-rsa/ssh-dsa ), there is no way it would work, since openssh
> > cannot guess the format and the algo to use.
> >
> > So try again by using the complete line :
> > ssh-rsa XXXx....XXXX f...@example.org
> >
> > And if this solve the problem, could mentors please ensure that newer
> > packagers actually really understand how ssh is supposed to work before
> > directing them to sysadmin for diagnosing the same problem over and
> > over?
> Guilty as charged, but actually Dimitrios was a bit faster then me and I 
> didn't have that much time yesterday to try and work this out.
> > ( alternative version : code proper error reporting in identity )
> > ( 2nd alternative version : add a foolproof mgarepo command to create
> > and upload keys into our ldap )
> If any of those two should be done, including it in identity would be 
> the better way, I think.

> We have people aside from packagers with svn commit rights, e.g. the 
> i18n team commiters.


But we can do both, and I think that adding a command to mgarepo would
help to enforce a better security practice ( ie, few people know that
using ssh-agent can cause issue if someone is root on the server that
you connect too, since this person can reuse your key by hijacking the
agent ).

> As an idea: instead of that input field or as an alternative provide a 
> possibility to upload the pubkey file?
> This well make sure, no half keys are uploaded.

In fact, we already make sure that no half key are uploaded ( hence the
lack of key after upload ), we just do not signal it.

And having a specific input would be slightly more complex ( but doable
), and less generic ( and I think Buchan wanted to avoid that, but maybe
I am wrong ).

Michael Scherer

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