On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 10:15:34PM +0100, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:
> If you don't know what it is used for why are you so opposed? We have
> our own names and suffixes, so I don't why you are against. For
> exactly the same reason we dropped X-Mandriva-* in favor of X-Mageia
> in .desktop files.

If the formats are identical, then creating a brand-new MIME type is
unnecessary complication. Server adminstrators who want to serve up
.bundle files for both Mandriva and Mageia then have to deal with
sending different two MIME types for files with the same extension. The MIME
type in /etc/mime.types is guaranteed to be wrong for one distribution
or the other. And so on. But it's an academic argument if this type
isn't actually used for anything.

>>> Dan

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