On 20/11/12 17:16, Nicolas Lécureuil wrote:
Le mardi 20 novembre 2012 17:13:14 Barry Jackson a écrit :
Also, to quote library policy:
"The goal is to be able to install libfoo1 and libfoo2 on the same system."

[root@jackodesktop baz]# urpmi lib64qwt6
installing lib64qwt6-6.0.1-4.mga3.x86_64.rpm from /var/cache/urpmi/rpms
############## Installation failed:    file
/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins/designer/libqwt_designer_plugin.so from install
of lib64qwt6-6.0.1-4.mga3.x86_64 conflicts with file from package

because those files have nothing to do in a versionned libs. => Packaging

Hi - thanks.

Ah, so are you saying that file should be in maybe a qwt-designer-plugin package?

Also I don't see how libqwt (6) and libqwt5 can be maintained from one spec. How can an update be made to libqwt5 now that the spec is modified for 6 ?

This is not my package and I really don't have time for all this hassle. This change has broken several packages all of which were previously working.

Can this mess be reverted and started again with some prior planning and testing?

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