On 28/03/13 13:15, David Walser wrote:
eatdirt <dirteat@...> writes:
On 26/03/13 15:24, Pascal Terjan wrote:
There are 26 packages.


I think, and unless someone complains, this one should be dropped. Atlas
is supposed to provice fast routines already provided by blas and lapack

Interesting, thanks for this.  libatlas3-sse3 had been pulled in on my system
by python-numpy, but liblapack3 provides the same library and can be installed
in place of libatlas3-sse3.  I don't know why libatlas3-sse3 was chosen ahead
of liblapack3 in the first place.  What should we do about systems that already
have libatlas3-sse3 installed?

On my system python-numpy is linked to blas/lapack only, so it is fine. But python-scipy is linked to libatlas. I tried to rebuild it without but it fails at various stages (on has to had -DNO_ATLAS_INFO)

I cc the maintainer; lebedov, can we rebuild it without atlas?


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