If you want convenience with Eclipse, here's the process:

1) run eclipse:configure-workspace to set M2_REPO in the workspace.
2) Copy several files into the workspace: checkstyle setting, PMD
settings, Eclipse code format settings, Eclipse cleanup settings.
3) create and augment several Eclipse setting files to point to the
files in (2).
4) run eclipse:eclipse on the individual projects.

Step 3 gets a little bit sticky. Since the maven-eclipse-plugin
doesn't know about checkstyle and pmd, and has very limited
capabilities on prop files, it turns out that 'ant' is the tool for
the job.

It is possible to run this from the maven-antrun-plugin, but ....

You have to add things to the dependencies of the antrun plugin, and,
due to Maven bugs, this can cause some very frustrating problems later
on when trying to use anyrun for other things.

So, at my dayjob, I made an outboard shell script. Everybody at our
shop is Linux, Mac, or Cygwin.

That's not a reasonable assumption in these parts.

Options: 1) just provide an ant XML file and tell people to run ant on
it. 2) shell + .bat. Anyone object to option #1?

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