revno: 6528
committer: Barry Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
branch nick: 3.0
timestamp: Wed 2007-07-11 07:06:34 -0400
  Convert ToArchive tests to doctests and do a minimal amount of handler module
  cleanup (really, not much was necessary).

=== added file 'Mailman/docs/archives.txt'
--- a/Mailman/docs/archives.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/docs/archives.txt 2007-07-11 11:06:34 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+Updating the archives with posted messages is handled by a separate queue,
+which allows for better memory management and prevents blocking the main
+delivery processes while messages are archived.  This also allows external
+archivers to work in a separate process from the main Mailman delivery
+    >>> from Mailman.Handlers.ToArchive import process
+    >>> from Mailman.Message import Message
+    >>> from Mailman.Queue.Switchboard import Switchboard
+    >>> from Mailman.configuration import config
+    >>> from Mailman.database import flush
+    >>> from email import message_from_string
+    >>> mlist = config.list_manager.create('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
+    >>> mlist.preferred_language = 'en'
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> switchboard = Switchboard(config.ARCHQUEUE_DIR)
+A helper function.
+    >>> def clear():
+    ...     for filebase in switchboard.files:
+    ...         msg, msgdata = switchboard.dequeue(filebase)
+    ...         switchboard.finish(filebase)
+The purpose of the ToArchive handler is to make a simple decision as to
+whether the message should get archived and if so, to drop the message in the
+archiving queue.  Really the most important things are to determine when a
+message should /not/ get archived.
+For example, no digests should ever get archived.
+    >>> mlist.archive = True
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... Subject: A sample message
+    ...
+    ... A message of great import.
+    ... """, Message)
+    >>> process(mlist, msg, dict(isdigest=True))
+    >>> switchboard.files
+    []
+If the mailing list is not configured to archive, then even regular deliveries
+won't be archived.
+    >>> mlist.archive = False
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> process(mlist, msg, {})
+    >>> switchboard.files
+    []
+There are two de-facto standards for a message to indicate that it does not
+want to be archived.  We've seen both in the wild so both are supported.  The
+X-No-Archive: header can be used to indicate that the message should not be
+archived.  Confusingly, this header's value is actually ignored.
+    >>> mlist.archive = True
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... Subject: A sample message
+    ... X-No-Archive: YES
+    ...
+    ... A message of great import.
+    ... """, Message)
+    >>> process(mlist, msg, dict(isdigest=True))
+    >>> switchboard.files
+    []
+Even a 'no' value will stop the archiving of the message.
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... Subject: A sample message
+    ... X-No-Archive: No
+    ...
+    ... A message of great import.
+    ... """, Message)
+    >>> process(mlist, msg, dict(isdigest=True))
+    >>> switchboard.files
+    []
+Another header that's been observed is the X-Archive: header.  Here, the
+header's case folded value must be 'no' in order to prevent archiving.
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... Subject: A sample message
+    ... X-Archive: No
+    ...
+    ... A message of great import.
+    ... """, Message)
+    >>> process(mlist, msg, dict(isdigest=True))
+    >>> switchboard.files
+    []
+But if the value is 'yes', then the message will be archived.
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... Subject: A sample message
+    ... X-Archive: Yes
+    ...
+    ... A message of great import.
+    ... """, Message)
+    >>> process(mlist, msg, {})
+    >>> len(switchboard.files)
+    1
+    >>> filebase = switchboard.files[0]
+    >>> qmsg, qdata = switchboard.dequeue(filebase)
+    >>> switchboard.finish(filebase)
+    >>> print qmsg.as_string()
+    Subject: A sample message
+    X-Archive: Yes
+    A message of great import.
+    >>> sorted(qdata.items())
+    [('_parsemsg', False), ('received_time', ...), ('version', 3)]
+Without either archiving header, and all other things being the same, the
+message will get archived.
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... Subject: A sample message
+    ...
+    ... A message of great import.
+    ... """, Message)
+    >>> process(mlist, msg, {})
+    >>> len(switchboard.files)
+    1
+    >>> filebase = switchboard.files[0]
+    >>> qmsg, qdata = switchboard.dequeue(filebase)
+    >>> switchboard.finish(filebase)
+    >>> print qmsg.as_string()
+    Subject: A sample message
+    A message of great import.
+    >>> sorted(qdata.items())
+    [('_parsemsg', False), ('received_time', ...), ('version', 3)]

=== modified file 'Mailman/Handlers/ToArchive.py'
--- a/Mailman/Handlers/ToArchive.py     2007-01-19 04:38:06 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/Handlers/ToArchive.py     2007-07-11 11:06:34 +0000
@@ -17,9 +17,6 @@
 """Add the message to the archives."""
-import time
-from cStringIO import StringIO
 from Mailman.Queue.sbcache import get_switchboard
 from Mailman.configuration import config
@@ -32,7 +29,7 @@
     # Common practice seems to favor "X-No-Archive: yes".  No other value for
     # this header seems to make sense, so we'll just test for it's presence.
     # I'm keeping "X-Archive: no" for backwards compatibility.
-    if msg.has_key('x-no-archive') or msg.get('x-archive', '').lower() == 'no':
+    if 'x-no-archive' in msg or msg.get('x-archive', '').lower() == 'no':
     # Send the message to the archiver queue
     archq = get_switchboard(config.ARCHQUEUE_DIR)

=== modified file 'Mailman/testing/test_handlers.py'
--- a/Mailman/testing/test_handlers.py  2007-07-11 02:39:57 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/testing/test_handlers.py  2007-07-11 11:06:34 +0000
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
 from Mailman.Handlers import Moderate
 from Mailman.Handlers import Scrubber
 # Don't test handlers such as SMTPDirect and Sendmail here
-from Mailman.Handlers import ToArchive
@@ -219,64 +218,8 @@
-class TestToArchive(TestBase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestBase.setUp(self)
-        # We're going to want to inspect this queue directory
-        self._sb = Switchboard(config.ARCHQUEUE_DIR)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        for f in os.listdir(config.ARCHQUEUE_DIR):
-            os.unlink(os.path.join(config.ARCHQUEUE_DIR, f))
-        TestBase.tearDown(self)
-    def test_short_circuit(self):
-        eq = self.assertEqual
-        msgdata = {'isdigest': 1}
-        ToArchive.process(self._mlist, None, msgdata)
-        eq(len(self._sb.files()), 0)
-        # Try the other half of the or...
-        self._mlist.archive = 0
-        ToArchive.process(self._mlist, None, msgdata)
-        eq(len(self._sb.files()), 0)
-        # Now try the various message header shortcuts
-        msg = email.message_from_string("""\
-X-No-Archive: YES
-        self._mlist.archive = 1
-        ToArchive.process(self._mlist, msg, {})
-        eq(len(self._sb.files()), 0)
-        # And for backwards compatibility
-        msg = email.message_from_string("""\
-X-Archive: NO
-        ToArchive.process(self._mlist, msg, {})
-        eq(len(self._sb.files()), 0)
-    def test_normal_archiving(self):
-        eq = self.assertEqual
-        msg = email.message_from_string("""\
-Subject: About Mailman
-It rocks!
-        ToArchive.process(self._mlist, msg, {})
-        files = self._sb.files()
-        eq(len(files), 1)
-        msg2, data = self._sb.dequeue(files[0])
-        eq(len(data), 3)
-        eq(data['version'], 3)
-        # Clock skew makes this unreliable
-        #self.failUnless(data['received_time'] <= time.time())
-        eq(msg.as_string(unixfrom=0), msg2.as_string(unixfrom=0))
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestToArchive))
     return suite

(no title)

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