revno: 6547
committer: Barry Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
branch nick: 3.0
timestamp: Sun 2007-09-09 13:22:27 -0400
  ListAdmin mostly gone, but not quite.
  Mailman/app/moderator.py: Most of the application level interface
  provided by ListAdmin is moved here now, including the ability to hold
  messages, subscriptions, and unsubscriptions, and to handle message
  (defer, discard, reject, accept).  More work needed.
  Some untested conversion of API in Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py, confirm.py,
  messagestore.py: Don't use or require the Date: header in the global
  message ID calculation.  As described on the mailing list, we're only
  going to use the Message-ID header.
  IListRequests: added count_of() and of_type() methods.

=== added file 'Mailman/app/moderator.py'
--- a/Mailman/app/moderator.py  1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/app/moderator.py  2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+# USA.
+"""Application support for moderators."""
+from __future__ import with_statement
+__all__ = [
+    'hold_message',
+    ]
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+from email.utils import formatdate, getaddresses, make_msgid
+from Mailman import Message
+from Mailman import Utils
+from Mailman import i18n
+from Mailman.Queue.sbcache import get_switchboard
+from Mailman.configuration import config
+from Mailman.constants import Action
+from Mailman.interfaces import RequestType
+_ = i18n._
+__i18n_templates__ = True
+log = logging.getLogger('mailman.vette')
+def hold_message(mlist, msg, msgdata=None, reason=None):
+    if msgdata is None:
+        msgdata = {}
+    else:
+        # Make a copy of msgdata so that subsequent changes won't corrupt the
+        # request database.  TBD: remove the `filebase' key since this will
+        # not be relevant when the message is resurrected.
+        msgdata = msgdata.copy()
+    if reason is None:
+        reason = ''
+    # Add the message to the message store.  It is required to have a
+    # Message-ID header.
+    if 'message-id' not in msg:
+        msg['Message-ID'] = make_msgid()
+    seqno = config.db.message_store.add(msg)
+    global_id = '%s/%s' % (msg['X-List-ID-Hash'], seqno)
+    # Prepare the message metadata with some extra information needed only by
+    # the moderation interface.
+    msgdata['_mod_global_id'] = global_id
+    msgdata['_mod_fqdn_listname'] = mlist.fqdn_listname
+    msgdata['_mod_sender'] = msg.get_sender()
+    msgdata['_mod_subject'] = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))
+    msgdata['_mod_reason'] = reason
+    msgdata['_mod_hold_date'] = datetime.now().isoformat()
+    # Now hold this request.  We'll use the message's global ID as the key.
+    requestsdb = config.db.requests.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    request_id = requestsdb.hold_request(
+        RequestType.held_message, global_id, msgdata)
+    return request_id
+def handle_message(mlist, id, action,
+                   comment=None, preserve=False, forward=None):
+    requestdb = config.db.requests.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    key, msgdata = requestdb.get_request(id)
+    # Handle the action.
+    rejection = None
+    global_id = msgdata['_mod_global_id']
+    if action is Action.defer:
+        # Nothing to do, but preserve the message for later.
+        preserve = True
+    elif action is Action.discard:
+        rejection = 'Discarded'
+    elif action is Action.reject:
+        rejection = 'Refused'
+        sender = msgdata['_mod_sender']
+        subject = msgdata['_mod_subject']
+        member = mlist.members.get_member(sender)
+        if member:
+            language = member.preferred_language
+        else:
+            language = None
+        _refuse(mlist, _('Posting of your message titled "$subject"'),
+                sender, comment or _('[No reason given]'), language)
+    elif action is Action.accept:
+        # Start by getting the message from the message store.
+        msg = config.db.message_store.get_message(global_id)
+        # Delete moderation-specific entries from the message metadata.
+        for key in msgdata.keys():
+            if key.startswith('_mod_'):
+                del msgdata[key]
+        # Add some metadata to indicate this message has now been approved.
+        # XXX 'adminapproved' is used for backward compatibility, but it
+        # should really be called 'moderator_approved'.
+        msgdata['approved'] = True
+        msgdata['adminapproved'] = True
+        # Calculate a new filebase for the approved message, otherwise
+        # delivery errors will cause duplicates.
+        if 'filebase' in msgdata:
+            del msgdata['filebase']
+        # Queue the file for delivery by qrunner.  Trying to deliver the
+        # message directly here can lead to a huge delay in web turnaround.
+        # Log the moderation and add a header.
+        msg['X-Mailman-Approved-At'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
+        log.info('held message approved, message-id: %s',
+                 msg.get('message-id', 'n/a'))
+        # Stick the message back in the incoming queue for further
+        # processing.
+        inq = get_switchboard(config.INQUEUE_DIR)
+        inq.enqueue(msg, _metadata=msgdata)
+    else:
+        raise AssertionError('Unexpected action: %s' % action)
+    # Forward the message.
+    if forward:
+        # Get a copy of the original message from the message store.
+        msg = config.db.message_store.get_message(global_id)
+        # It's possible the forwarding address list is a comma separated list
+        # of realname/address pairs.
+        addresses = [addr[1] for addr in getaddresses(forward)]
+        language = mlist.preferred_language
+        if len(addresses) == 1:
+            # If the address getting the forwarded message is a member of
+            # the list, we want the headers of the outer message to be
+            # encoded in their language.  Otherwise it'll be the preferred
+            # language of the mailing list.  This is better than sending a
+            # separate message per recipient.
+            member = mlist.members.get_member(addresses[0])
+            if member:
+                language = member.preferred_language
+        otrans = i18n.get_translation()
+        i18n.set_language(language)
+        try:
+            fmsg = Message.UserNotification(
+                addr, mlist.bounces_address,
+                _('Forward of moderated message'),
+                lang=language)
+        finally:
+            i18n.set_translation(otrans)
+        fmsg.set_type('message/rfc822')
+        fmsg.attach(msg)
+        fmsg.send(mlist)
+    # Delete the message from the message store if it is not being preserved.
+    if not preserve:
+        config.db.message_store.delete_message(global_id)
+        requestdb.delete_request(id)
+    # Log the rejection
+    if rejection:
+        note = """$listname: $rejection posting:
+\tFrom: $sender
+\tSubject: $subject"""
+        if comment:
+            note += '\n\tReason: ' + comment
+        log.info(note)
+def HoldSubscription(self, addr, fullname, password, digest, lang):
+    # Assure that the database is open for writing
+    self._opendb()
+    # Get the next unique id
+    id = self._next_id
+    # Save the information to the request database. for held subscription
+    # entries, each record in the database will be one of the following
+    # format:
+    #
+    # the time the subscription request was received
+    # the subscriber's address
+    # the subscriber's selected password (TBD: is this safe???)
+    # the digest flag
+    # the user's preferred language
+    data = time.time(), addr, fullname, password, digest, lang
+    self._db[id] = (SUBSCRIPTION, data)
+    #
+    # TBD: this really shouldn't go here but I'm not sure where else is
+    # appropriate.
+    log.info('%s: held subscription request from %s',
+             self.internal_name(), addr)
+    # Possibly notify the administrator in default list language
+    if self.admin_immed_notify:
+        realname = self.real_name
+        subject = _(
+            'New subscription request to list %(realname)s from %(addr)s')
+        text = Utils.maketext(
+            'subauth.txt',
+            {'username'   : addr,
+             'listname'   : self.internal_name(),
+             'hostname'   : self.host_name,
+             'admindb_url': self.GetScriptURL('admindb', absolute=1),
+             }, mlist=self)
+        # This message should appear to come from the <list>-owner so as
+        # to avoid any useless bounce processing.
+        owneraddr = self.GetOwnerEmail()
+        msg = Message.UserNotification(owneraddr, owneraddr, subject, text,
+                                       self.preferred_language)
+        msg.send(self, **{'tomoderators': 1})
+def __handlesubscription(self, record, value, comment):
+    stime, addr, fullname, password, digest, lang = record
+    if value == config.DEFER:
+        return DEFER
+    elif value == config.DISCARD:
+        pass
+    elif value == config.REJECT:
+        self._refuse(_('Subscription request'), addr,
+                      comment or _('[No reason given]'),
+                      lang=lang)
+    else:
+        # subscribe
+        assert value == config.SUBSCRIBE
+        try:
+            userdesc = UserDesc(addr, fullname, password, digest, lang)
+            self.ApprovedAddMember(userdesc, whence='via admin approval')
+        except Errors.MMAlreadyAMember:
+            # User has already been subscribed, after sending the request
+            pass
+        # TBD: disgusting hack: ApprovedAddMember() can end up closing
+        # the request database.
+        self._opendb()
+    return REMOVE
+def HoldUnsubscription(self, addr):
+    # Assure the database is open for writing
+    self._opendb()
+    # Get the next unique id
+    id = self._next_id
+    # All we need to do is save the unsubscribing address
+    self._db[id] = (UNSUBSCRIPTION, addr)
+    log.info('%s: held unsubscription request from %s',
+             self.internal_name(), addr)
+    # Possibly notify the administrator of the hold
+    if self.admin_immed_notify:
+        realname = self.real_name
+        subject = _(
+            'New unsubscription request from %(realname)s by %(addr)s')
+        text = Utils.maketext(
+            'unsubauth.txt',
+            {'username'   : addr,
+             'listname'   : self.internal_name(),
+             'hostname'   : self.host_name,
+             'admindb_url': self.GetScriptURL('admindb', absolute=1),
+             }, mlist=self)
+        # This message should appear to come from the <list>-owner so as
+        # to avoid any useless bounce processing.
+        owneraddr = self.GetOwnerEmail()
+        msg = Message.UserNotification(owneraddr, owneraddr, subject, text,
+                                       self.preferred_language)
+        msg.send(self, **{'tomoderators': 1})
+def _handleunsubscription(self, record, value, comment):
+    addr = record
+    if value == config.DEFER:
+        return DEFER
+    elif value == config.DISCARD:
+        pass
+    elif value == config.REJECT:
+        self._refuse(_('Unsubscription request'), addr, comment)
+    else:
+        assert value == config.UNSUBSCRIBE
+        try:
+            self.ApprovedDeleteMember(addr)
+        except Errors.NotAMemberError:
+            # User has already been unsubscribed
+            pass
+    return REMOVE
+def _refuse(mlist, request, recip, comment, origmsg=None, lang=None):
+    # As this message is going to the requester, try to set the language to
+    # his/her language choice, if they are a member.  Otherwise use the list's
+    # preferred language.
+    realname = mlist.real_name
+    if lang is None:
+        member = mlist.members.get_member(recip)
+        if member:
+            lang = member.preferred_language
+    text = Utils.maketext(
+        'refuse.txt',
+        {'listname' : mlist.fqdn_listname,
+         'request'  : request,
+         'reason'   : comment,
+         'adminaddr': mlist.owner_address,
+        }, lang=lang, mlist=mlist)
+    otrans = i18n.get_translation()
+    i18n.set_language(lang)
+    try:
+        # add in original message, but not wrap/filled
+        if origmsg:
+            text = NL.join(
+                [text,
+                 '---------- ' + _('Original Message') + ' ----------',
+                 str(origmsg)
+                 ])
+        subject = _('Request to mailing list "$realname" rejected')
+    finally:
+        i18n.set_translation(otrans)
+    msg = Message.UserNotification(recip, mlist.bounces_address,
+                                   subject, text, lang)
+    msg.send(mlist)
+def readMessage(path):
+    # For backwards compatibility, we must be able to read either a flat text
+    # file or a pickle.
+    ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
+    with open(path) as fp:
+        if ext == '.txt':
+            msg = email.message_from_file(fp, Message.Message)
+        else:
+            assert ext == '.pck'
+            msg = cPickle.load(fp)
+    return msg
+def handle_request(mlist, id, value,
+                   comment=None, preserve=None, forward=None, addr=None):
+    requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    key, data = requestsdb.get_record(id)
+    self._opendb()
+    rtype, data = self._db[id]
+    if rtype == HELDMSG:
+        status = self._handlepost(data, value, comment, preserve,
+                                  forward, addr)
+    elif rtype == UNSUBSCRIPTION:
+        status = self._handleunsubscription(data, value, comment)
+    else:
+        assert rtype == SUBSCRIPTION
+        status = self._handlesubscription(data, value, comment)
+    if status <> DEFER:
+        # BAW: Held message ids are linked to Pending cookies, allowing
+        # the user to cancel their post before the moderator has approved
+        # it.  We should probably remove the cookie associated with this
+        # id, but we have no way currently of correlating them. :(
+        del self._db[id]

=== modified file 'Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py'
--- a/Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py    2007-06-12 21:57:25 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py    2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 from Mailman.ListAdmin import readMessage
 from Mailman.configuration import config
 from Mailman.htmlformat import *
+from Mailman.interfaces import RequestType
 NL = '\n'
@@ -54,11 +55,14 @@
 def helds_by_sender(mlist):
-    heldmsgs = mlist.GetHeldMessageIds()
     bysender = {}
-    for id in heldmsgs:
-        sender = mlist.GetRecord(id)[1]
-        bysender.setdefault(sender, []).append(id)
+    requests = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    for request in requests.of_type(RequestType.held_message):
+        key, data = requests.get_request(request.id)
+        sender = data.get('sender')
+            assert sender is not None, (
+                'No sender for held message: %s' % request.id)
+            bysender.setdefault(sender, []).append(request.id)
     return bysender
@@ -146,7 +150,7 @@
             process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata)
         # Now print the results and we're done.  Short circuit for when there
         # are no pending requests, but be sure to save the results!
-        if not mlist.NumRequestsPending():
+        if config.db.requests.get_list_requests(mlist).count == 0:
             title = _('%(realname)s Administrative Database')
             doc.AddItem(Header(2, title))
@@ -172,8 +176,9 @@
                 + ' <em>%s</em>' % mlist.real_name))
         if details <> 'instructions':
             form.AddItem(Center(SubmitButton('submit', _('Submit All Data'))))
-        nomessages = not mlist.GetHeldMessageIds()
-        if not (details or sender or msgid or nomessages):
+        requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+        message_count = requestsdb.count_of(RequestType.held_message)
+        if not (details or sender or msgid or message_count == 0):
                 CheckBox('discardalldefersp', 0).Format() +
                 '&nbsp;' +
@@ -257,8 +262,8 @@
 def show_pending_subs(mlist, form):
     # Add the subscription request section
-    pendingsubs = mlist.GetSubscriptionIds()
-    if not pendingsubs:
+    requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    if requestsdb.count_of(RequestType.subscription) == 0:
         return 0
     form.AddItem(Center(Header(2, _('Subscription Requests'))))
@@ -269,18 +274,24 @@
     # Alphabetical order by email address
     byaddrs = {}
-    for id in pendingsubs:
-        addr = mlist.GetRecord(id)[1]
-        byaddrs.setdefault(addr, []).append(id)
-    addrs = byaddrs.keys()
-    addrs.sort()
+    for request in requestsdb.of_type(RequestType.subscription):
+        key, data = requestsdb.get_request(requst.id)
+        addr = data['addr']
+        byaddrs.setdefault(addr, []).append(request.id)
+    addrs = sorted(byaddrs)
     num = 0
     for addr, ids in byaddrs.items():
         # Eliminate duplicates
         for id in ids[1:]:
             mlist.HandleRequest(id, config.DISCARD)
         id = ids[0]
-        time, addr, fullname, passwd, digest, lang = mlist.GetRecord(id)
+        key, data = requestsdb.get_request(id)
+        time = data['time']
+        addr = data['addr']
+        fullname = data['fullname']
+        passwd = data['passwd']
+        digest = data['digest']
+        lang = data['lang']
         fullname = Utils.uncanonstr(fullname, mlist.preferred_language)
         radio = RadioButtonArray(id, (_('Defer'),
@@ -310,8 +321,8 @@
 def show_pending_unsubs(mlist, form):
     # Add the pending unsubscription request section
     lang = mlist.preferred_language
-    pendingunsubs = mlist.GetUnsubscriptionIds()
-    if not pendingunsubs:
+    requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    if requestsdb.count_of(RequestType.unsubscription) == 0:
         return 0
     table = Table(border=2)
     table.AddRow([Center(Bold(_('User address/name'))),
@@ -320,18 +331,19 @@
     # Alphabetical order by email address
     byaddrs = {}
-    for id in pendingunsubs:
-        addr = mlist.GetRecord(id)[1]
-        byaddrs.setdefault(addr, []).append(id)
-    addrs = byaddrs.keys()
-    addrs.sort()
+    for request in requestsdb.of_type(RequestType.unsubscription):
+        key, data = requestsdb.get_request(request.id)
+        addr = data['addr']
+        byaddrs.setdefault(addr, []).append(request.id)
+    addrs = sorted(byaddrs)
     num = 0
     for addr, ids in byaddrs.items():
         # Eliminate duplicates
         for id in ids[1:]:
             mlist.HandleRequest(id, config.DISCARD)
         id = ids[0]
-        addr = mlist.GetRecord(id)
+        key, data = requestsdb.get_record(id)
+        addr = data['addr']
             fullname = Utils.uncanonstr(mlist.getMemberName(addr), lang)
         except Errors.NotAMemberError:
@@ -458,8 +470,13 @@
         right.AddRow(['&nbsp;', '&nbsp;'])
         counter = 1
         for id in bysender[sender]:
-            info = mlist.GetRecord(id)
-            ptime, sender, subject, reason, filename, msgdata = info
+            key, data = requestsdb.get_record(id)
+            ptime = data['ptime']
+            sender = data['sender']
+            subject = data['subject']
+            reason = data['reason']
+            filename = data['filename']
+            msgdata = data['msgdata']
             # BAW: This is really the size of the message pickle, which should
             # be close, but won't be exact.  Sigh, good enough.
@@ -505,18 +522,18 @@
         # BAW: should we print an error message?
     total = len(sender_ids)
-    count = 1
-    for id in sender_ids:
-        info = mlist.GetRecord(id)
-        show_post_requests(mlist, id, info, total, count, form)
-        count += 1
+    requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    for i, id in enumerate(sender_ids):
+        key, data = requestsdb.get_record(id)
+        show_post_requests(mlist, id, data, total, count + 1, form)
 def show_message_requests(mlist, form, id):
+    requestdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
         id = int(id)
-        info = mlist.GetRecord(id)
+        info = requestdb.get_record(id)
     except (ValueError, KeyError):
         # BAW: print an error message?
@@ -525,13 +542,12 @@
 def show_detailed_requests(mlist, form):
-    all = mlist.GetHeldMessageIds()
-    total = len(all)
-    count = 1
-    for id in mlist.GetHeldMessageIds():
-        info = mlist.GetRecord(id)
-        show_post_requests(mlist, id, info, total, count, form)
-        count += 1
+    requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    total = requestsdb.count_of(RequestType.held_message)
+    all = requestsdb.of_type(RequestType.held_message)
+    for i, request in enumerate(all):
+        key, data = requestdb.get_request(request.id)
+        show_post_requests(mlist, request.id, data, total, i + 1, form)
@@ -767,8 +783,10 @@
             forwardaddr = cgidata[forwardaddrkey].value
         # Should we ban this address?  Do this check before handling the
         # request id because that will evict the record.
+        requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
         if cgidata.getvalue(bankey):
-            sender = mlist.GetRecord(request_id)[1]
+            key, data = requestsdb.get_record(request_id)
+            sender = data['sender']
             if sender not in mlist.ban_list:
         # Handle the request id
@@ -782,7 +800,8 @@
         except Errors.MMAlreadyAMember, v:
         except Errors.MembershipIsBanned, pattern:
-            sender = mlist.GetRecord(request_id)[1]
+            data = requestsdb.get_record(request_id)
+            sender = data['sender']
             banaddrs.append((sender, pattern))
     # save the list and print the results
     doc.AddItem(Header(2, _('Database Updated...')))

=== modified file 'Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py'
--- a/Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py    2007-07-18 15:46:44 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py    2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -623,7 +623,10 @@
             # Do this in two steps so we can get the preferred language for
             # the user who posted the message.
             op, id = mlist.pend_confirm(cookie)
-            ign, sender, msgsubject, ign, ign, ign = mlist.GetRecord(id)
+            requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+            key, data = requestsdb.get_record(id)
+            sender = data['sender']
+            msgsubject = data['msgsubject']
             subject = Utils.websafe(msgsubject)
             lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(sender)
@@ -670,9 +673,10 @@
     # Get the record, but watch for KeyErrors which mean the admin has already
     # disposed of this message.
+    requestdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
-            data = mlist.GetRecord(id)
+            key, data = requestdb.get_record(id)
         except KeyError:
             data = None

=== modified file 'Mailman/MailList.py'
--- a/Mailman/MailList.py       2007-08-05 04:32:09 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/MailList.py       2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
 from Mailman.Deliverer import Deliverer
 from Mailman.Digester import Digester
 from Mailman.HTMLFormatter import HTMLFormatter
-from Mailman.ListAdmin import ListAdmin
 from Mailman.SecurityManager import SecurityManager
 # GUI components package
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@
 # Use mixins here just to avoid having any one chunk be too large.
-class MailList(object, HTMLFormatter, Deliverer, ListAdmin,
+class MailList(object, HTMLFormatter, Deliverer,
                Archiver, Digester, SecurityManager, Bouncer):
@@ -365,7 +364,6 @@
         # The member adaptor may have its own save operation
-        self.SaveRequestsDb()
     def Load(self):

=== modified file 'Mailman/Utils.py'
--- a/Mailman/Utils.py  2007-08-05 04:32:09 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/Utils.py  2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@
     if mlist is not None:
+    assert None not in languages, 'None in languages'
     # Calculate the locations to scan
     searchdirs = []
     if mlist is not None:

=== modified file 'Mailman/bin/checkdbs.py'
--- a/Mailman/bin/checkdbs.py   2007-05-28 20:21:41 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/bin/checkdbs.py   2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 from Mailman import Utils
 from Mailman import Version
 from Mailman import i18n
+from Mailman.app.requests import handle_request
 from Mailman.configuration import config
 _ = i18n._
@@ -62,23 +63,35 @@
     lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(mlist.preferred_language)
     pending = []
     first = True
-    for id in mlist.GetSubscriptionIds():
+    requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    for request in requestsdb.of_type(RequestType.subscription):
         if first:
             pending.append(_('Pending subscriptions:'))
             first = False
-        when, addr, fullname, passwd, digest, lang = mlist.GetRecord(id)
+        key, data = requestsdb.get_request(request.id)
+        when = data['when']
+        addr = data['addr']
+        fullname = data['fullname']
+        passwd = data['passwd']
+        digest = data['digest']
+        lang = data['lang']
         if fullname:
             if isinstance(fullname, unicode):
                 fullname = fullname.encode(lcset, 'replace')
             fullname = ' (%s)' % fullname
         pending.append('    %s%s %s' % (addr, fullname, time.ctime(when)))
     first = True
-    for id in mlist.GetHeldMessageIds():
+    for request in requestsdb.of_type(RequestType.held_message):
         if first:
             pending.append(_('\nPending posts:'))
             first = False
-        info = mlist.GetRecord(id)
-        when, sender, subject, reason, text, msgdata = mlist.GetRecord(id)
+        key, data = requestsdb.get_request(request.id)
+        when = data['when']
+        sender = data['sender']
+        subject = data['subject']
+        reason = data['reason']
+        text = data['text']
+        msgdata = data['msgdata']
         subject = Utils.oneline(subject, lcset)
         date = time.ctime(when)
         reason = _(reason)
@@ -115,11 +128,13 @@
     # Discard old held messages
     discard_count = 0
     expire = config.days(mlist.max_days_to_hold)
-    heldmsgs = mlist.GetHeldMessageIds()
+    requestsdb = config.db.get_list_requests(mlist)
+    heldmsgs = list(requestsdb.of_type(RequestType.held_message))
     if expire and heldmsgs:
-        for id in heldmsgs:
-            if now - mlist.GetRecord(id)[0] > expire:
-                mlist.HandleRequest(id, config.DISCARD)
+        for request in heldmsgs:
+            key, data = requestsdb.get_request(request.id)
+            if now - data['date'] > expire:
+                handle_request(mlist, request.id, config.DISCARD)
                 discard_count += 1
     return discard_count
@@ -136,7 +151,7 @@
         # The list must be locked in order to open the requests database
         mlist = MailList.MailList(name)
-            count = mlist.NumRequestsPending()
+            count = config.db.requests.get_list_requests(mlist).count
             # While we're at it, let's evict yesterday's autoresponse data
             midnight_today = Utils.midnight()
             evictions = []

=== modified file 'Mailman/database/messagestore.py'
--- a/Mailman/database/messagestore.py  2007-07-22 23:52:34 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/database/messagestore.py  2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -48,15 +48,11 @@
     def add(self, message):
         # Ensure that the message has the requisite headers.
         message_ids = message.get_all('message-id', [])
-        dates = message.get_all('date', [])
-        if not (len(message_ids) == 1 and len(dates) == 1):
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Exactly one Message-ID and one Date header required')
+        if len(message_ids) <> 1:
+            raise ValueError('Exactly one Message-ID header required')
         # Calculate and insert the X-List-ID-Hash.
         message_id = message_ids[0]
-        date = dates[0]
         shaobj = hashlib.sha1(message_id)
-        shaobj.update(date)
         hash32 = base64.b32encode(shaobj.digest())
         del message['X-List-ID-Hash']
         message['X-List-ID-Hash'] = hash32

=== modified file 'Mailman/database/model/requests.py'
--- a/Mailman/database/model/requests.py        2007-08-08 04:24:13 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/database/model/requests.py        2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -52,11 +52,22 @@
         results = _Request.select_by(mailing_list=self.mailing_list._data)
         return len(results)
+    def count_of(self, request_type):
+        results = _Request.select_by(mailing_list=self.mailing_list._data,
+                                     type=request_type)
+        return len(results)
     def held_requests(self):
         results = _Request.select_by(mailing_list=self.mailing_list._data)
         for request in results:
-            yield request.id, request.type
+            yield request
+    def of_type(self, request_type):
+        results = _Request.select_by(mailing_list=self.mailing_list._data,
+                                     type=request_type)
+        for request in results:
+            yield request
     def hold_request(self, request_type, key, data=None):
         if request_type not in RequestType:
@@ -72,6 +83,15 @@
             token = config.db.pendings.add(pendable, timedelta(days=5000))
             data_hash = token
+        # XXX This would be a good other way to do it, but it causes the
+        # select_by()'s in .count and .held_requests() to fail, even with
+        # flush()'s.
+##         result = _Request.table.insert().execute(
+##             key=key, type=request_type,
+##             mailing_list=self.mailing_list._data,
+##             data_hash=data_hash)
+##         row_id = result.last_inserted_ids()[0]
+##         return row_id
         result = _Request(key=key, type=request_type,

=== modified file 'Mailman/docs/requests.txt'
--- a/Mailman/docs/requests.txt 2007-08-08 04:24:13 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/docs/requests.txt 2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Held requests
+Moderator requests
 Various actions will be held for moderator approval, such as subscriptions to
 closed lists, or postings by non-members.  The requests database is the low
@@ -12,13 +12,30 @@
     >>> def show_holds(requests):
     ...     for request in requests.held_requests:
-    ...         print request[0], str(request[1])
+    ...         key, data = requests.get_request(request.id)
+    ...         if data is not None:
+    ...             data = sorted(data.items())
+    ...         print request.id, str(request.type), key, data
+And another helper for displaying messages in the virgin queue.
+    >>> from Mailman.Queue.sbcache import get_switchboard
+    >>> virginq = get_switchboard(config.VIRGINQUEUE_DIR)
+    >>> def dequeue(whichq=None):
+    ...     if whichq is None:
+    ...         whichq = virginq
+    ...     assert len(whichq.files) == 1, (
+    ...         'Unexpected file count: %d' % len(whichq.files))
+    ...     filebase = whichq.files[0]
+    ...     qmsg, qdata = whichq.dequeue(filebase)
+    ...     whichq.finish(filebase)
+    ...     return qmsg, qdata
 Mailing list centric
-A set of requests are always centric to a particular mailing list, so given a
+A set of requests are always related to a particular mailing list, so given a
 mailing list you need to get its requests object.
     >>> from Mailman.interfaces import IListRequests, IRequests
@@ -62,11 +79,17 @@
     >>> requests.count
+    >>> requests.count_of(RequestType.held_message)
+    2
+    >>> requests.count_of(RequestType.subscription)
+    1
+    >>> requests.count_of(RequestType.unsubscription)
+    1
     >>> show_holds(requests)
-    1 RequestType.held_message
-    2 RequestType.subscription
-    3 RequestType.unsubscription
-    4 RequestType.held_message
+    1 RequestType.held_message hold_1 None
+    2 RequestType.subscription hold_2 None
+    3 RequestType.unsubscription hold_3 None
+    4 RequestType.held_message hold_4 None
 If we try to hold a request with a bogus type, we get an exception.
@@ -85,11 +108,11 @@
     >>> requests.count
     >>> show_holds(requests)
-    1 RequestType.held_message
-    2 RequestType.subscription
-    3 RequestType.unsubscription
-    4 RequestType.held_message
-    5 RequestType.held_message
+    1 RequestType.held_message hold_1 None
+    2 RequestType.subscription hold_2 None
+    3 RequestType.unsubscription hold_3 None
+    4 RequestType.held_message hold_4 None
+    5 RequestType.held_message hold_5 [('bar', 'no'), ('foo', 'yes')]
 Getting requests
@@ -123,6 +146,25 @@
+Iterating over requests
+To make it easier to find specific requests, the list requests can be iterated
+over by type.
+    >>> requests.count_of(RequestType.held_message)
+    3
+    >>> for request in requests.of_type(RequestType.held_message):
+    ...     assert request.type is RequestType.held_message
+    ...     key, data = requests.get_request(request.id)
+    ...     if data is not None:
+    ...         data = sorted(data.items())
+    ...     print request.id, key, data
+    1 hold_1 None
+    4 hold_4 None
+    5 hold_5 [('bar', 'no'), ('foo', 'yes')]
 Deleting requests
@@ -134,10 +176,10 @@
     >>> requests.count
     >>> show_holds(requests)
-    1 RequestType.held_message
-    3 RequestType.unsubscription
-    4 RequestType.held_message
-    5 RequestType.held_message
+    1 RequestType.held_message hold_1 None
+    3 RequestType.unsubscription hold_3 None
+    4 RequestType.held_message hold_4 None
+    5 RequestType.held_message hold_5 [('bar', 'no'), ('foo', 'yes')]
     >>> print requests.get_request(2)
@@ -147,3 +189,294 @@
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     KeyError: 801
+For the next section, we first clean up all the current requests.
+    >>> for request in requests.held_requests:
+    ...     requests.delete_request(request.id)
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> requests.count
+    0
+Application support
+There are several higher level interfaces available in the Mailman.app package
+which can be used to hold messages, subscription, and unsubscriptions.  There
+are also interfaces for disposing of these requests in an application specific
+and consistent way.
+    >>> from Mailman.app import moderator
+Holding messages
+For this section, we need a mailing list and at least one message.
+    >>> mlist = config.db.list_manager.create('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
+    >>> mlist.preferred_language = 'en'
+    >>> mlist.real_name = 'A Test List'
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> from email import message_from_string
+    >>> from Mailman.Message import Message
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+    ... To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+    ... Subject: Something important
+    ...
+    ... Here's something important about our mailing list.
+    ... """, Message)
+Holding a message means keeping a copy of it that a moderator must approve
+before the message is posted to the mailing list.  To hold the message, you
+must supply the message, message metadata, and a text reason for the hold.  In
+this case, we won't include any additional metadata.
+    >>> id_1 = moderator.hold_message(mlist, msg, {}, 'Needs approval')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> requests.get_request(id_1) is not None
+    True
+We can also hold a message with some additional metadata.
+    >>> msgdata = dict(sender='[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
+    ...                approved=True,
+    ...                received_time=123.45)
+    >>> id_2 = moderator.hold_message(mlist, msg, msgdata, 'Feeling ornery')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> requests.get_request(id_2) is not None
+    True
+Once held, the moderator can select one of several dispositions.  The most
+trivial is to simply defer a decision for now.
+    >>> from Mailman.constants import Action
+    >>> moderator.handle_message(mlist, id_1, Action.defer)
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> requests.get_request(id_1) is not None
+    True
+The moderator can also discard the message.  This is often done with spam.
+Bye bye message!
+    >>> moderator.handle_message(mlist, id_1, Action.discard)
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> print requests.get_request(id_1)
+    None
+    >>> virginq.files
+    []
+The message can be rejected, meaning it is bounced back to the sender.
+    >>> moderator.handle_message(mlist, id_2, Action.reject, 'Off topic')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> print requests.get_request(id_2)
+    None
+    >>> qmsg, qdata = dequeue()
+    >>> print qmsg.as_string()
+    MIME-Version: 1.0
+    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+    Subject: Request to mailing list "A Test List" rejected
+    Message-ID: ...
+    Date: ...
+    Precedence: bulk
+    Your request to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
+        Posting of your message titled "Something important"
+    has been rejected by the list moderator.  The moderator gave the
+    following reason for rejecting your request:
+    "Off topic"
+    Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator
+    at:
+    >>> sorted(qdata.items())
+    [('_parsemsg', False),
+     ('listname', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'),
+     ('nodecorate', True),
+     ('received_time', ...),
+     ('recips', ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']),
+     ('reduced_list_headers', True),
+     ('version', 3)]
+Or the message can be approved.  This actually places the message back into
+the incoming queue for further processing, however the message metadata
+indicates that the message has been approved.
+    >>> id_3 = moderator.hold_message(mlist, msg, msgdata, 'Needs approval')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> moderator.handle_message(mlist, id_3, Action.accept)
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> inq = get_switchboard(config.INQUEUE_DIR)
+    >>> qmsg, qdata = dequeue(inq)
+    >>> print qmsg.as_string()
+    Subject: Something important
+    Message-ID: ...
+    X-List-ID-Hash: ...
+    X-List-Sequence-Number: ...
+    X-Mailman-Approved-At: ...
+    Here's something important about our mailing list.
+    >>> sorted(qdata.items())
+    [('_parsemsg', False),
+     ('adminapproved', True), ('approved', True),
+     ('received_time', ...), ('sender', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'),
+     ('version', 3)]
+In addition to any of the above dispositions, the message can also be
+preserved for further study.  Ordinarily the message is removed from the
+global message store after its disposition (though approved messages may be
+re-added to the message store).  When handling a message, we can tell the
+moderator interface to also preserve a copy, essentially telling it not to
+delete the message from the storage.  First, without the switch, the message
+is deleted.
+    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
+    ... From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+    ... To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+    ... Subject: Something important
+    ... Message-ID: <12345>
+    ...
+    ... Here's something important about our mailing list.
+    ... """, Message)
+    >>> id_4 = moderator.hold_message(mlist, msg, {}, 'Needs approval')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> moderator.handle_message(mlist, id_4, Action.discard)
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> msgs = config.db.message_store.get_messages_by_message_id('<12345>')
+    >>> list(msgs)
+    []
+But if we ask to preserve the message when we discard it, it will be held in
+the message store after disposition.
+    >>> id_4 = moderator.hold_message(mlist, msg, {}, 'Needs approval')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> moderator.handle_message(mlist, id_4, Action.discard, preserve=True)
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> msgs = config.db.message_store.get_messages_by_message_id('<12345>')
+    >>> msgs = list(msgs)
+    >>> len(msgs)
+    1
+    >>> print msgs[0].as_string()
+    Subject: Something important
+    Message-ID: <12345>
+    X-List-Sequence-Number: 1
+    Here's something important about our mailing list.
+Orthogonal to preservation, the message can also be forwarded to another
+address.  This is helpful for getting the message into the inbox of one of the
+    >>> id_4 = moderator.hold_message(mlist, msg, {}, 'Needs approval')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> moderator.handle_message(mlist, id_4, Action.discard,
+    ...                          forward=['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'])
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> qmsg, qdata = dequeue()
+    >>> print qmsg.as_string()
+    XXX
+    >>> sorted(qdata.items())
+    XXX
+Holding subscription requests
+For closed lists, subscription requests will also be held for moderator
+approval.  In this case, several pieces of information related to the
+subscription must be provided, including the subscriber's address and real
+name, their password (possibly hashed), what kind of delivery option they are
+chosing and their preferred language.
+    >>> from Mailman.constants import DeliveryMode
+    >>> mlist.admin_immed_notify = False
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> id_3 = moderator.hold_subscription(mlist,
+    ...     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Ben Person',
+    ...     '{NONE}abcxyz', DeliveryMode.regular, 'en')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> requests.get_request(id_3) is not None
+    True
+In the above case the mailing list was not configured to send the list
+moderators a notice about the hold, so no email message is in the virgin
+    >>> virginq.files
+    []
+But if we set the list up to notify the list moderators immediately when a
+message is held for approval, there will be a message placed in the virgin
+queue when the message is held.
+    >>> mlist.admin_immed_notify = True
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> id_4 = moderator.hold_subscription(mlist,
+    ...     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Claire Person',
+    ...     '{NONE}zyxcba, DeliveryMode.regular, 'en')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> requests.get_request(id_4) is not None
+    True
+    >>> qmsg, qdata = dequeue()
+    >>> print qmsg.as_string()
+    XXX
+    >>> sorted(qdata.items())
+    XXX
+Holding unsubscription requests
+Some lists, though it is rare, require moderator approval for unsubscriptions.
+In this case, only the unsubscribing address is required.  Like subscriptions,
+unsubscription holds can send the list's moderators an immediate notification.
+    >>> mlist.admin_immed_notify = False
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> from Mailman.constants import MemberRole
+    >>> user_1 = config.db.user_manager.create_user('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> address_1 = list(user_1.addresses)[0]
+    >>> address_1.subscribe(mlist, MemberRole.member)
+    <Member: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
+             [EMAIL PROTECTED] as MemberRole.member>
+    >>> user_2 = config.db.user_manager.create_user('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> address_2 = list(user_2.addresses)[0]
+    >>> address_2.subscribe(mlist, MemberRole.member)
+    <Member: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
+             [EMAIL PROTECTED] as MemberRole.member>
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> id_5 = moderator.hold_unsubscription(mlist, '[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> requests.get_request(id_5) is not None)
+    True
+    >>> virginq.files
+    []
+    >>> mlist.admin_immed_notify = True
+    >>> id_6 = moderator.hold_unsubscription(mlist, '[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
+    >>> flush()
+    >>> qmsg, qdata = dequeue()
+    >>> print qmsg.as_string()
+    XXX
+    >>> sorted(qdata.items())
+    XXX

=== modified file 'Mailman/interfaces/requests.py'
--- a/Mailman/interfaces/requests.py    2007-08-08 04:24:13 +0000
+++ b/Mailman/interfaces/requests.py    2007-09-09 17:22:27 +0000
@@ -42,10 +42,17 @@
     count = Attribute(
         """The total number of requests held for the mailing list.""")
+    def count_of(request_type):
+        """The total number of requests held of the given request type.
+        :param request_type: A `RequestType` enum value.
+        :return: An integer.
+        """
     def hold_request(request_type, key, data=None):
         """Hold some data for moderator approval.
-        :param request_type: A `Request` enum value.
+        :param request_type: A `RequestType` enum value.
         :param key: The key piece of request data being held.
         :param data: Additional optional data in the form of a dictionary that
             is associated with the held request.
@@ -53,12 +60,23 @@
     held_requests = Attribute(
-        """An iterator over the held requests, yielding a 2-tuple.
+        """An iterator over the held requests.
-        The tuple has the form: (id, type) where `id` is the held request's
-        unique id and the `type` is a `Request` enum value.
+        Returned items have two attributes:
+         * `id` is the held request's unique id;
+         * `type` is a `RequestType` enum value.
+    def of_type(request_type):
+        """An iterator over the held requests of the given type.
+        Returned items have two  attributes:
+         * `id` is the held request's unique id;
+         * `type` is a `RequestType` enum value.
+         Only items with a matching `type' are returned.
+         """
     def get_request(request_id):
         """Get the data associated with the request id, or None.



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