Barry Warsaw pushed to branch release-3.0 at mailman / Mailman

06778b9d by Barry Warsaw at 2016-03-09T18:31:10-05:00
Fix cross-posting held on more than one list.

Back port to release-3.0 branch.

Closes #176


* IMessageStore no longer raises a ValueError if the Message-ID already
  exists in the store; it just returns None.
* The internal handle_message() function no longer takes a `preserve`
  argument, since messages are never removed from the IMessageStore.

- - - - -
cdc89932 by Barry Warsaw at 2016-03-09T18:46:55-05:00
It's X-Message-Id-Hash in 3.0.x

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- src/mailman/app/docs/moderator.rst
- src/mailman/app/
- src/mailman/app/tests/
- src/mailman/chains/tests/
- src/mailman/docs/NEWS.rst
- src/mailman/interfaces/
- src/mailman/model/
- src/mailman/model/tests/


--- a/src/mailman/app/docs/moderator.rst
+++ b/src/mailman/app/docs/moderator.rst
@@ -171,36 +171,11 @@ however the message metadata indicates that the message 
has been approved.
     version           : 3
-Preserving and forwarding the message
-In addition to any of the above dispositions, the message can also be
-preserved for further study.  Ordinarily the message is removed from the
-global message store after its disposition (though approved messages may be
-re-added to the message store later).  When handling a message, we can ask for
-a copy to be preserve, which skips deleting the message from the storage.
-    >>> msg = message_from_string("""\
-    ... From:
-    ... To:
-    ... Subject: Something important
-    ... Message-ID: <dolphin>
-    ...
-    ... Here's something important about our mailing list.
-    ... """)
-    >>> id = hold_message(mlist, msg, {}, 'Needs approval')
-    >>> handle_message(mlist, id, Action.discard, preserve=True)
-    >>> from mailman.interfaces.messages import IMessageStore
-    >>> from zope.component import getUtility
-    >>> message_store = getUtility(IMessageStore)
-    >>> print(message_store.get_message_by_id('<dolphin>')['message-id'])
-    <dolphin>
+Forwarding the message
-Orthogonal to preservation, the message can also be forwarded to another
-address.  This is helpful for getting the message into the inbox of one of the
+The message can be forwarded to another address.  This is helpful for getting
+the message into the inbox of one of the moderators.
     >>> msg = message_from_string("""\

--- a/src/mailman/app/
+++ b/src/mailman/app/
@@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ def hold_message(mlist, msg, msgdata=None, reason=None):
-def handle_message(mlist, id, action,
-                   comment=None, preserve=False, forward=None):
+def handle_message(mlist, id, action, comment=None, forward=None):
     message_store = getUtility(IMessageStore)
     requestdb = IListRequests(mlist)
     key, msgdata = requestdb.get_request(id)
@@ -113,9 +112,10 @@ def handle_message(mlist, id, action,
     message_id = msgdata['_mod_message_id']
     sender = msgdata['_mod_sender']
     subject = msgdata['_mod_subject']
+    keep = False
     if action in (Action.defer, Action.hold):
         # Nothing to do, but preserve the message for later.
-        preserve = True
+        keep = True
     elif action is Action.discard:
         rejection = 'Discarded'
     elif action is Action.reject:
@@ -179,9 +179,8 @@ def handle_message(mlist, id, action,
-    # Delete the message from the message store if it is not being preserved.
-    if not preserve:
-        message_store.delete_message(message_id)
+    # Delete the request if it's not being kept.
+    if not keep:
     # Log the rejection
     if rejection:

--- a/src/mailman/app/tests/
+++ b/src/mailman/app/tests/
@@ -122,31 +122,12 @@ Message-ID: <alpha>
         key, data = self._request_db.get_request(request_id)
         self.assertEqual(data['received_time'], received_time)
-    def test_non_preserving_disposition(self):
-        # By default, disposed messages are not preserved.
-        request_id = hold_message(self._mlist, self._msg)
-        handle_message(self._mlist, request_id, Action.discard)
-        message_store = getUtility(IMessageStore)
-        self.assertIsNone(message_store.get_message_by_id('<alpha>'))
-    def test_preserving_disposition(self):
-        # Preserving a message keeps it in the store.
-        request_id = hold_message(self._mlist, self._msg)
-        handle_message(self._mlist, request_id, Action.discard, preserve=True)
-        message_store = getUtility(IMessageStore)
-        preserved_message = message_store.get_message_by_id('<alpha>')
-        self.assertEqual(preserved_message['message-id'], '<alpha>')
-    def test_preserve_and_forward(self):
-        # We can both preserve and forward the message.
+    def test_forward(self):
+        # We can forward the message to an email address.
         request_id = hold_message(self._mlist, self._msg)
         handle_message(self._mlist, request_id, Action.discard,
-                       preserve=True, forward=[''])
-        # The message is preserved in the store.
-        message_store = getUtility(IMessageStore)
-        preserved_message = message_store.get_message_by_id('<alpha>')
-        self.assertEqual(preserved_message['message-id'], '<alpha>')
-        # And the forwarded message lives in the virgin queue.
+                       forward=[''])
+        # The forwarded message lives in the virgin queue.
         messages = get_queue_messages('virgin')
         self.assertEqual(len(messages), 1)
@@ -163,6 +144,15 @@ Message-ID: <alpha>
         handle_message(self._mlist, request_id, Action.discard)
         self.assertEqual(self._request_db.count, 0)
+    def test_handled_message_stays_in_store(self):
+        # The message is still available in the store, even when it's been
+        # disposed of.
+        request_id = hold_message(self._mlist, self._msg)
+        handle_message(self._mlist, request_id, Action.discard)
+        self.assertEqual(self._request_db.count, 0)
+        message = getUtility(IMessageStore).get_message_by_id('<alpha>')
+        self.assertEqual(message['subject'], 'hold me')
 class TestUnsubscription(unittest.TestCase):

--- a/src/mailman/chains/tests/
+++ b/src/mailman/chains/tests/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from import create_list
 from mailman.chains.hold import autorespond_to_sender
 from mailman.core.chains import process as process_chain
 from mailman.interfaces.autorespond import IAutoResponseSet, Response
+from mailman.interfaces.messages import IMessageStore
 from mailman.interfaces.usermanager import IUserManager
 from mailman.testing.helpers import (
     LogFileMark, configuration, get_queue_messages,
@@ -164,3 +165,37 @@ A message body.
             ' post from requires approval')
+    def test_hold_chain_crosspost(self):
+        mlist2 = create_list('')
+        msg = mfs("""\
+Subject: A message
+Message-ID: <ant>
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+A message body.
+        process_chain(self._mlist, msg, {}, start_chain='hold')
+        process_chain(mlist2, msg, {}, start_chain='hold')
+        items = get_queue_messages('virgin')
+        # There are four items in the virgin queue.  Two of them are for the
+        # list owners who need to moderate the held message, and the other is
+        # for anne telling her that her message was held for approval.
+        self.assertEqual(len(items), 4)
+        anne_froms = set()
+        owner_tos = set()
+        for item in items:
+            if item.msg['to'] == '':
+                anne_froms.add(item.msg['from'])
+            else:
+                owner_tos.add(item.msg['to'])
+        self.assertEqual(anne_froms, set(['',
+                                          '']))
+        self.assertEqual(owner_tos, set(['',
+                                         '']))
+        # And the message appears in the store.
+        messages = list(getUtility(IMessageStore).messages)
+        self.assertEqual(len(messages), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(messages[0]['message-id'], '<ant>')

--- a/src/mailman/docs/NEWS.rst
+++ b/src/mailman/docs/NEWS.rst
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Bugs
  * Trying to subscribe an address as a list owner (or moderator or nonmember)
    which is already subscribed with that role produces a server error.
    Originally given by Anirudh Dahiya.  (Closes #198)
+ * Cross-posting messages held on both lists no longer fails.  (Closes #176)
 3.0.2 -- "Show Don't Tell"

--- a/src/mailman/interfaces/
+++ b/src/mailman/interfaces/
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ class IMessageStore(Interface):
         :param message: An email.message.Message instance containing at least
             a unique Message-ID header.  The message will be given an
             X-Message-ID-Hash header, overriding any existing such header.
-        :returns: The calculated X-Message-ID-Hash header.
+            If the message already exists in the store, it is not added again.
+        :returns: The calculated X-Message-ID-Hash header or None if the
+            message already exists in the store.
+        :rtype: str or None
         :raises ValueError: if the message is missing a Message-ID header.
-            The storage service is also allowed to raise this exception if it
-            find, but disallows collisions.
     def get_message_by_id(message_id):

--- a/src/mailman/model/
+++ b/src/mailman/model/
@@ -57,13 +57,11 @@ class MessageStore:
         message_id = message_ids[0]
         if isinstance(message_id, bytes):
             message_id = message_id.decode('ascii')
-        # Complain if the Message-ID already exists in the storage.
+        # If the Message-ID already exists in the store, don't store it again.
         existing = store.query(Message).filter(
             Message.message_id == message_id).first()
         if existing is not None:
-            raise ValueError(
-                'Message ID already exists in message store: {0}'.format(
-                    message_id))
+            return None
         shaobj = hashlib.sha1(message_id.encode('utf-8'))
         hash32 = base64.b32encode(shaobj.digest()).decode('utf-8')
         del message['X-Message-ID-Hash']

--- a/src/mailman/model/tests/
+++ b/src/mailman/model/tests/
@@ -100,3 +100,22 @@ Message-ID: <ant>
         os.remove(os.path.join(config.MESSAGES_DIR, row.path))
         self.assertEqual(len(list(self._store.messages)), 0)
+    def test_add_message_duplicate_okay(self):
+        msg = mfs("""\
+Subject: Once
+Message-ID: <ant>
+        hash32 = self._store.add(msg)
+        stored_msg = self._store.get_message_by_id('<ant>')
+        self.assertEqual(msg['subject'], stored_msg['subject'])
+        self.assertEqual(msg['x-message-id-hash'], hash32)
+        # A second insertion, even if headers change, does not store the
+        # message twice.
+        del msg['subject']
+        msg['Subject'] = 'Twice'
+        hash32 = self._store.add(msg)
+        stored_msg = self._store.get_message_by_id('<ant>')
+        self.assertNotEqual(msg['subject'], stored_msg['subject'])
+        self.assertIsNone(hash32)

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