Well, OK.

I guess that's how it's designed:

            # Otherwise, we should just forward this message to the list
            # owner, because there's nothing we can do with it.  Be sure to
            # point the envelope sender at the site owner for any bounces to
            # list owners.

(from Mailman/Queue/BounceRunner.py)

Seems like making that behavior configurable might be useful.

But the real issue is that the bounce message is *so* nonstandard.
It didn't match *any* of the stuff in Mailman/Bouncers, and there
are a lot of tests there.  I'd complain to the postmaster at that
site and tell him to please configure DSNs like all good mailhosts
should be doing.

I've sidestepped this issue by using VERP on all my outgoing mail,
so bounces are always caught before they even get to Bouncers/*...
but that's because I can have Postfix do it for me relatively-efficiently,
and because I don't have that bad a bandwidth restriction; I know it's
not an option for everyone.

I suppose the other thing to do is fix up/add a Bouncers/* module
to catch these messages; I have hacked SimpleMatch.py before
for just this purpose (the hotpop stanza is mine).

> On Mon 04 Mar, Dan Mick wrote:
> > I'm confused.  Can you forward me one, sanitized if you wish, 
> > in toto (i.e. with all its headers, so don't use an MUA to 
> > forward it, but capture it to a file and send it)?
> > 
> Attached - the actual list is called modular-it as you can see but in
> all other respects the aliases etc are identical to the test ones I have
> been describing.
> >
> -- 
> Colin Mackinlay

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