On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 19:35, Roger Lynn wrote:
> ld be really nice if this could also somehow work to enable 
> non-subscribers browsing the archives to reply to specific posts (as I am 
> doing now). I've no idea how this could be done though.
> The mailto: link in the archived messages includes a message-id, which I 
> assume is to enable threading to work properly when that message is replied 
> to. Unfortunately it contains the message-id of the previous message, ie the 
> one the message being read is in reply to, so this can't work. It appears to 
> be intended to be used as the In-Reply-To header for the new message, which 
> would be incorrect, unless I have misunderstood the reason for it being 
> there (which is quite likely).

I'd love to see something like this, although I admit that hacking new
features into Pipermail is very low on my list of priorities.  I (still)
encourage someone in the community stepping forward to "own" Pipermail
and either make improvements, or investigate replacements using Zest and
ArchNG ideas.

For Mailman 3, I'm open to almost any option for the archiver component.


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