On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 19:56, Nadim Shaikli wrote:

> Well, in my case I'm on a debian system (code via apt-get) running
> mailman-2.1.2-6.  I have about 12 mailing-lists all seem to function
> without an issue except for one.  Anytime anyone mails to it, the
> message gets "Shunned" and I see this error in the log/error file
> (mind you the message is obsoletely fine - its as though there is
> lock someone that is forcing all legit messages to be shunned).

One message getting shunted shouldn't affect any global state that will
cause all subsequent messages to get shunted.  Think of them as an event
unto themselves.

Please send me the .pck/.db pair of a shunted message.  If it's not a
problem of your configuration or installation, I should be able to
reproduce the bug.


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