Barry Warsaw writes:

 > Part of me agrees that this is what you'd like to see, but my gut  
 > tells me that this will never work in practice.  First, no one but an  
 > email geek will even understand the question, let alone know how to  
 > answer it,

Agreed.  It's a stalking horse for the BCP; for anybody who's not an
email geek, I have this simple advice regarding the BCP:

                         Run away!  Run away!

 > and second, I fear that most u/i's and policy engines will  
 > boil this down to a very simple choice for the user:
 >      This message is unverified
 >      [Accept] [Discard]
 >      (o) Do the same for all similar messages

Make sure no spam gets through your double opt-in list, and you're
golden, no?

Similar is *not* going to reduce to "is unverified"; too many
grandmothers will lose messages from the grandkids.

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