Hello Mark,

I am posting the matches_p function below.  I believe the problem is an
off-shoot of the lce/cpe problem with the LDAPMembership adapter you
helped me with earlier.  I did get it to work by changing the condition
in matches_p from

     if mother.members.has_key(sender):
    if mother.isMember(sender):

It works for both statically created lists and the ldap dynamically
created lists.

Here is the complete matches_p function (from Mailman v2.1.9 with the
@list patch applied and my changes):

def matches_p(sender, nonmembers):
    # First strip out all the regular expressions
    plainaddrs = [addr for addr in nonmembers if not addr.startswith('^')]
    addrdict = Utils.List2Dict(plainaddrs, foldcase=1)
    if addrdict.has_key(sender):
        return 1
    # Now do the regular expression matches
    for are in nonmembers:
        if are.startswith('^'):
                cre = re.compile(are, re.IGNORECASE)
            except re.error:
            if cre.search(sender):
                return 1
        elif are.startswith('@'):
            mother = MailList(are[1:], lock=0)
            # Changed the condition to use the list's isMember method
--CN  28-Sep-2009
            # if mother.members.has_key(sender.lower()):
            if mother.isMember(sender):
                return 1
            except Errors.MMUnknownListError:
                syslog('error', 'filter references non-existent list %s',
    return 0

Is the change I made the correct way of fixing the problem?  If so,
should other places where 'mlist.members.has_key(variable)' also be changed?

I have also added the 'accept_special_posters' attribute I mentioned on
the Mailman-users list.  Can you take at least a quick look at the
changes to make sure I didn't mess things up to bad?  I have the diffs
for MailList.py, versions.py, Version.py, Gui/Privacy.py and

Thanks for your help, Mark.


Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Chris Nulk wrote:
>> I believe I have narrowed down the problem to the 'matches_p' function in 
>> Moderate.py.
> Can you post your matches_p definitiopn?
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