On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 04:43:38PM +0000, Jonathan Knight wrote:
> We've been using mailman for a number of years and are very happy with
> it, especially the integration that's possible with Exim.
> We wish to have a size limit applied to any message sent to our mailing
> lists.  This is going to be determined by our mailing lists
> administrators.  The problem is that the administrators do not want the
> moderators to be able to override that limit.
> As far as I can tell, whatever limits the administrators set will only
> cause the message to be sent to the moderators, who can then override
> the wishes of the administrators and send out the message anyway. 

Whack in a size condition/test as an Exim ACL? 

Stop the mails before they get to Mailman, so you don't have to deal
with Mailman moderat(ion|ors).

``Fog In Channel: Continent Cut Off'' 
  (urban-legend newspaper headline, c. 1905)
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