Did i understand something incorrectly or is the Django UI only a config
website ?
Why don't we have all UI parts within the Django project (which I'll support
during gsoc ;-))

Einen schönen Tag wünscht:

Benedict Stein
(versendet über Gmail-Webinterface)

2011/5/15 Dushyant Bansal <cs5070...@cse.iitd.ac.in>

> Hi all,
> I am a gsoc candidate with mailman. I'll be working on archives UI and
> Search functionality. I'll be blogging about my progress here:
> http://db42.wordpress.com
> As my first task is to complete the UI part of the archives, I am trying to
> get started with pipermail UI.
> My first question is - Is it possible to view archives via web interface on
> mailman 3.
> If yes, can somebody please guide me or provide me hints to make it work.
> Thanks,
> Dushyant Bansal
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