HI Paul, or all others who want to get involved into mm3 WebUI

I'm closly listening your dicsussion.
The WebUI is work in progress and there is nothing stable yet.
However if you're interested taking a look at the dev snippets take a
look at the following branches:

Feel free to contact Flo or me on IRC (#benste)

PS: Little tutorial on how to get it running:

Please really keep in mind th

Am Mittwoch, den 13.07.2011, 16:51 +0200 schrieb Paul Wise: 

> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> > It sounds like a lot, but I'd think it's only a day or two of work, and I'm
> > happy to answer questions, review code, etc.
> I would like to get the design right first, after reading the full
> thread a couple of times, some thoughts:
> By bounce I meant SMTP-time rejection, sounds like the LMTP stuff
> provides that (and mailman 2 doesn't use that IIRC).
> Temporarily failing lists were not an objective.
> The design of list objects seems to be heavily similar to how the UI
> is in mailman 2, I think it should be much more generic.
> For example:
> In the web UI turning on emergency moderation should set the first
> item in the receive pipeline to a hold() function.
> Disabling a list would set the first item in the receive pipeline to
> reject_disabled, set the first item in the subscription pipeline to
> reject_disabled, set the first item in the settings pipeline to
> admin_read_only etc.
> List objects should be flexible to support different kinds of lists,
> but the UI should hide most of that behind simple labels like "retired
> list", "public list", "private list" and the "emergency moderation"
> button.
> PS: Is there a Mailman UI yet? The link on the Mailman branches wiki
> page points to one with only one commit in it and no working code.
> PPS: It seems Mailman 3 will be quite different to Mailman 2 so I'm
> thinking configuration filenames, data directories etc should be named
> mailman3 instead of mailman.


Einen schönen Tag wünscht:
Benedict Stein

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