On 3/22/2012 5:48 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 1:09 AM, Barry Warsaw <ba...@list.org> wrote:
>> If we add something like $archive_url to the decoration interpolation
>> dictionary, what happens when we have multiple archivers that support
>> permalink() enabled?  Do we chose one at random (these are unordered)?
> -1

I agree so -2.  I thinking is if you list administrator/owner has not
defined an order, make it simple and impose a known order in that case -
alphabetize/sort the order and pick the first one.

>> Do we add a configuration variable to select a "primary" archiver for this?
> +1


 This would allow the list administrator/owner to define and pick the
primary archiver.  For any other archivers, people can go to the
Archived-At header(s).

> If there's *no* archiver configuration variable, we don't know where to
> point to anyway for Gmane-like archivers (yes, I know, catering to Gmane
> will give Brad hives, but some people like Gmane).  The local archive, if it
> exists, may seem TOOWTDI, but it might not be the preferred one even if
> it's the only one configured in Mailman (although that seems a lot less
> likely than the case where somebody just grandfathers an existing Gmane
> subscription as the archive URL of choice).
>> Do we allow something like $archive_url.prototype as an interpolation
>> variable to select e.g. the 'prototype' archiver?
> -1
> Too complex.  If people want alternative archives, they can go to
> the list FAQ or the Archived-At headers.  If we go this way, we'd
> better have a *really* good comment and a pre-existing entry in
> the FAQ to save Mark some time. :-)

I agree with Stephen.  Too complex and can be confusing without it being
well documented with a number of examples.

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