
Am 24.10.2012 08:27, schrieb Terri Oda:
> Since I now treat every gathering of hackers as an excuse to get
> people to tell me things about Mailman, I was chatting with folk at
> the GSoC mentor summit and my friend V was telling me that she really
> likes Listadmin as a nicer interface to Mailman:
> http://freecode.com/projects/listadmin
> Seems like something I might have to look at and learn some lessons
> from before we're done with postorius dev.

first of all: I don't consider listadmin a contradiction to postorious.
To me listadmin is simply another user interface to mailman for another
user group - those that like to run (automated) commands from command
line or prefer to work on command line (like I do).

One of the great improvements of MM3 over previous versions is its REST
interface. IIRC it was Pycon in Chicago when Barry, Florian and I
discussed about the possibilities that come along with the REST
interface. We came up with ideas like "use a template to create and
setup a mailinglist from command line", "do a remote backup of list
settings and subscriptions", "include MM3 management in some sort of
account provisioning". It's been a while since Pycon in Chicago and we
might add "smartphone app to deal with post requests" or similar things
one might want to do from an app.

My favourite still is a command line interface to MM3 which I can run as
a local REST client from wherever I am at the moment.


[*] sys4 AG

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