On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 08:27 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Pierre-Yves Chibon writes:
>  > On Sat, 2013-04-06 at 15:03 +0530, Udit Saxena wrote:
>  > > 2. Web Posting Interface.
>  > 
>  > Isn't this similar/overlapping to what HyperKitty already does?
> No.  There's no reason why a web posting interface needs to interact
> with the archives; it can talk directly to Mailman core, and will need
> to do so for other features such as authentication, sister lists, and
> the like.  You get archiving for free.

How do you reply to a thread if you don't have access to the archives?

>  > I don't think one would want to embed posting messages from the admin
>  > interface of mailman (postorious), so posting from an interface would
>  > have to deal with archives as well (since one might want to reply to an
>  > existing thread).
> It could be as simple as embedding a button with an appropriate URL
> communicating the information needed to compose a message in the
> archive display interface.  On the other hand, the posting interface
> to the archives could be a full separate subsystem, with a special-
> purpose browsing system oriented to rapidly selecting and yanking
> content from related messages.
> It might make sense to embed the interface in HyperKitty, which also
> has to deal with authentication, at least.  But since posting and
> browsing are separate features I tend to favor creating an appropriate
> protocol for web posting, independent of the archive protocol and
> implementation.

If it is thought as a different system then I understand. I was more
confused if that was thought as part of HyperKitty as I believe it
already does that to some extend (I'll let Aurélien specify to which

Thanks for clarifying,

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