On 13-04-18 6:40 PM, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
If we stop at a programmable interface - which I understand is what you and Terri suggest - they will not be able to use Mailman in more complex setups, because integrating additional mail processing components would require them to program.

Oi, I hope that's not what it sounded like I was advocating. I want a fair bit more than just an generic interface.

In my ideal world, the deliverable for this project will be "everything a sysadmin needs to integrate SpamBayes, SpamAssassin, and maybe 2 other related mail filtering tools" (e.g. ClamAV?) This includes an installer for each one or at least a set of INSTALL_$SPAM_SOLUTION.TXT files and all the work necessary so that they have about 2 steps that amount to "install the thing" and "enable the thing in mailman by flipping this switch/changing this config option."

So I think in that respect, Patrick and I are on the same page.

I don't think we're saying exactly "oh, all sysadmins could do this in a few minutes" so much as "is this really worth a whole summer of mentoring time given that most of our mentors could write it in 2 weeks themselves if they had need?" The question is whether it's a viable GSoC project, not so much whether it's a thing that would be useful to someone, someday.

*I* still think that there's potential for a good GSoC proposal that includes spam filtering, assuming the student understands that this is more of an integration project (NOT a "build a spam filter!" project) and the student is willing to pair this with some other useful features in order to be sure of having 12 weeks of work.


PS - milters sound like something any students interested in this project should read up on and mention in their proposals why they did/didn't choose to go that route. It's a good way to show that you've been paying attention to discussions here! :)

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