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Hi there...

On 10/29/2013 10:35 PM, Terri Oda wrote:
> Stephen, Florian and I had a nice discussion at the GSoC Mentor
> Summit about what's left before we can release a beta of the entire
> Mailman Suite (i.e. Mailman core, Postorius and Hyperkitty packaged
> together). We're getting close!  In fact, close enough that I'm
> going to suggest that we set a beta release target date of Dec
> 1st.
> I know we had a list of 5 things... but for some reason I can't
> remember all of them.  Florian, Stephen, can you chime in?
> 1. Need a Postorius interface for associating multiple email
> addresses with a single account.  This is probably going to require
> either an email verification, so we might want to have that as part
> Mailman Core rather than doing it directly in Postorius.  Short
> term, I don't care how it's done as long as it verifies that the
> user actually has access to the addresses they link together.

Short term we could use django-registration to verify additional email
addresses. It should be very easy to integrate with Postorius. Plus
it's maintained by one of the Django people so I guess it's stable
enough to work even long term.

> 2. Postorius & Hyperkitty need a bit more work on the
> authentication management.  Florian indicated that he's looking for
> some code review for the persona integration and that we'd really
> like a single sign on solution for postorius/hyperkitty to work
> together seamlessly.

I got a branch almost ready (90%-ish) for merging that contains A) a
change from our current Persona integration (django-social-auth) to
Mozilla's own django app and B) some code to take domains created in
Mailman-core into account when verifying Persona tokens. Since this is
a security issue, I'd really like to have a second set of eyes having
a look at it before merging. (Yes, I'm especially looking at you Dr.
Terri! I'll poke you when I've added the remaining 10%... ;-) That's
next on my list as soon as I have reduced my current
post-travel-pile-of-errands a bit.

Re: Hyperkitty: Last time I checked it didn't seem to implement any
access control for non-public lists. This isn't really a bug, but it
restricts HK to be used with public lists only.
@Aurelien: Is that correct? If so: Would you mind me suggesting some
ideas to add member checking for private lists?

> 3. We need some nice install scripts or packaging work so that 
> installing Mailman Suite is easy.  Probably for beta purposes this
> can just be a shell script, but we also talked about doing a meta
> "Mailman Suite" PyPI package and maybe doing a .deb or .rpm as
> proof of concept.
> 4. ??

I'm not sure, but I *think* I mentioned I wanted to add some changes
to Postorius' test suite before releasing the beta. Which isn't really
a *feature*, more like an itch that needed scratching. Anyway, I
merged that one last week.

> 5. ??

Owner/Moderator removal. It's essential, but implementation-wise
that's a minor thing.

> Hopefully Florian and Stephen have better memories

Well, I'm not sure myself if items 4 and 5 were really the ones we
talked about... ;-)


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