Florian Fuchs writes:

 > One is the one-off command (with options) that outputs a result,
 > either on stdout or saved to a file. This could make for an
 > interesting project, but I think then it would really make more sense
 > (like Steve said) to extend the existing `mailman` command instead of
 > writing a new one.

Ah, I see.  I think that what you're talking about, then, is deciding
how much state to keep in configuration of the client, how much to
require the user to enter, and whether to save state changes made
during an interactive session.

For "stateless" commands like "status" (it reports the state, but
issuing it is the same regardless of current state), or simple state-
dependence (a "list lists on domain" command might be "mmclient list
lists domain=python.org) you could do it as a shell command.  For more
complicated, state-dependent commands:

$ mmclient
mm> status
all qrunners running
mm> set domain python.org
mm> set list mailman-users
mm> list members from list.org


Then set of questions might be "should mmclient automatically save the
settings for 'domain' and 'list'?  Or should there be a 'save current
settings' command?  Or a special 'configure settings' command?  Or
should the user edit mmclient.ini?"

Is that the kind of thing you mean by layout?

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