On Mar 08, 2014, at 12:14 PM, Abhilash Raj wrote:

>I was in a conversation with Barry yesterday to setup a unofficial git
>mirror for mailman since there are large number of people who use git as
>their primary vcs.

Let me just state my official position for Mailman core: we'll switch to git
some day, but not just yet.  Git has won this round of dvcs wars, so it's
inevitable that we'll switch.  I'd like not to do that right now though, given
that I think it will be a distraction for Pycon, GSoC, and 3.0.  Switching the
dvcs is not just a matter of importing branches and tags - there are workflow
issues to suss out.  It'll also be interesting to see how ESR's reposurgeon
work ends up handling Emacs's switch from bzr to git.  Let's let the state of
things shake out a little more before switching the official branch.

I'm all for unofficial mirrors though, if it helps others contribute to
Mailman.  Please feel free to experiment!  I would still prefer to get merge
proposals and/or patches through Launchpad though.

As nice as Github is, we can't use it because Mailman is a GNU project and
Github is not free software.  There are other free software options for git
code hosting, including self-hosting or moving to savannah.gnu.org.  I'd still
keep the bug tracker on Launchpad, as I still think it's superior.


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