Tom Browder writes:

 > I think this GSoC project might be the place to at least start with
 > the option of choosing a list "style" such as a defined  "read-only"
 > mailing list.

Ah, OK, I see what you're getting at now.

I think this is out of scope for the CLI project, although it's
possible that providing some kind of scriptable interface (even a
simple way to store a sequence of commands acting on the "current"
list should suffice, where "current list" is a concept his proposal
already includes) would allow it to be implemented relatively easily.
I'll discuss that with Rajeev later.

Still, I would expect that the "right" place to expose a "list style"
capability is in Postorius.  Most list admins are not even going to
have access to the CLI, most likely, because we have *no* security
model for it yet, except shell access to the list host.  The CLI is
going to be a "power user's" and sysadmin feature more than "the" way
to manage lists for most people, AIUI.  (Again, this is negotiable
with the student.)

Also, list "styles" probably should be "stored" in the Mailman core so
they can be accessed from any client (which is what takes it right out
of the scope of this GSoC IMO, although that's negotiable, again
according to Rajeev's interest).

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