Patrick Ben Koetter writes:

 > I doubt anyone that igorant of e-mail and how it works will ever
 > make it to the MM3 command line client, but yes, such cases do
 > exist.

I think they're actually likely to be reasonably common.

 > However I think the use case "prepare Mailman to handle mail for a
 > domain it doesn't handle mail for yet" exists and we should find a
 > way to deal with it.

Indeed.  I'm suggesting that the routine could check the DNS and a few
other things, and present the list operator with a TODO list.  Sortof
like check_perms.

 > > Deleting a list should be immediate, but I agree it should be confirmed.
 > ... and it should be possible to pass the confirmation in the command to make
 > it useful in scripts.

Ooh, that is a very good point.  Bessides "possible," the syntax for
doing that should be regular.

I wonder about distinguishing "yes to this prompt" and "yes to all"?
Probably scripts should not be using commands that need multiple
confirmations, though.

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