Hi *,

I'd like to discuss the algorithm we use to enforce a list's default
moderation action. Here's what I understand:
- the list's default_moderation_action setting is stored in the database
and can be changed via the REST interface
- when a new member is created, its moderation_action is imported from the
list's default_moderation_action depending on its role (see
- this member's moderation_action is stored in the database
- it's the member's moderation_action that is used in the moderation rule

As a result, unless I'm missing something changing, the list's
default_moderation_action has no effect on existing members. Do I
understand correctly?

I suggest we leave the member's moderation_action on None when it's
created, and modify the moderation rules to go look for the list's default
setting if the member's value is None.
How about that ? Other suggestions?

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