Thanks everyone for your invaluable suggestions,I was also thinking about
having features as plug-ins like

1.As discussed with @Rashi007-Timed delay or timed delivery of messages -
Suppose I wish to post a
message to list but instead of composing and sending I prefer to send it
delayed like I wish to post a message at 4am but since i would be sleeping
at that time so what I can do,I will post my message at 10pm at night and
a delaying or timed delivery plugin can deliver it at 4am.

2.Limited post by specific members - Being the list owner, I wish to
restrict the number of posts one can do on the mailing list.Like a
specific set of members can post 1 post per day,another set of members can
do 10 posts per day.

3.Gmail has a plug-in system that allows listing of all your email
subscriptions and unsubscribe with one-click from every list you don’t
read anymore...that will save much time unsubscribing to a lot of email
lists and newsletters that you never read.Can we have one for mailman?

Based on the discussions held previously on this topic,few ideas that have
been found suitable are:

1.Timed vacations, allowing a user to postpone or discard email for a
certain number of days or weeks.

2.Asking for confirmation if a member's post include confidential

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