On Mar 11, 2015, at 04:21 AM, Ankush Sharma wrote:

>The newbies starting to contribute to mailman sometimes face difficulty in
>setting up the dev environment for Mailman.

Just a quick bzr hint in case folks are unaware: I create all my branches in a
"shared repo".  This is basically a parent directory containing the .bzr
subdirectory and all shared revisions.  Since your branches are going to share
99% of their history, this really speeds up creating "clones" of the trunk.

$ cd ~/projects
$ bzr init-repo mailman
$ cd mailman
$ bzr branch lp:mailman trunk
# Now you have a `trunk` directory tracking the upstream master branch
$ bzr branch trunk mywork1
$ bzr branch trunk mywork2

mywork1 and mywork2 are independent branches inside the shared repo.  They get
created pretty quickly because all the history is shared.

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