prakhar joshi writes:

 > One thing how these templates will be stored for the user is still a doubt
 > for me ? Can you please help me with that ?

Not until late next week.  I haven't thought about the problem at all.

Anyway, designing the implementation is really your job.

Here's how I would go about thinking about it.  First, let's try to
reuse existing structure in Mailman.  What's most similar to a
template for a list?  Probably a list.  So consider using the same
structure.  Next question is whether a template should be a list with
inputs to things like list name disabled, or whether the list
record/object should be refactored into a template copy plus
list-specific components like name and membership list.

Next problem for you is to find where the list object is defined, and
find out what all is in there.


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