
My name is Akshay Shah. I'm currently pursuing my undergraduate degree at
PES University, Bangalore (India). I have 2 years of experience with python
and 3 years of experience with Javascript and HTML.
I am interested in contributing to the Postorius Web UI. Some of the ideas
on the 'Ideas Page' took my interest. More specifically, the Dashboard for
admins/owners/moderators, Mailman client written in Javascript and the
subscriber-profile pages. Regarding these, I have the following questions:
1. Can the Dashboard and Subscriber profile page be done together within
the GSoC timeline? Is there any way that I can display my ability to pursue
both of these?
2. I have fairly good amount of experience with NodeJs, will my resume be a
good enough factor for you to decide or would you rather have me do a
pre-project (I would love to do a pre-project)?
3. [NEW IDEA] Introducing search feature in the Web UI. Search lists,
members, settings, and/or domains. Would introduction of Elastic Search
with NodeJs be a feasible option for the GSoC Timeline? How detailed should
I get about introduction of this topic?

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