The attack we're trying to defend against is a scripted one which grabs a
list of all the mailing lists, then harvests the administrator email and
then tries to spam each list using the administrator as a sender address.

If the archives are public then I guess you could write a reasonable
algorithm to try and guess an unmoderated address but I don't think its as
easy to hit thousands of mailing lists using that approach.


On 17 May 2017 at 04:17, Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> wrote:

> On Tue 2017-05-16 13:29:21 +0100, Jonathan Knight wrote:
> > I think the real name if its available and the list owner address if not.
> > If you use the local part (e.g. j.knight) would still make it possible to
> > guess the if the mailing lists are all hosted on
> >
> surely it's easy for an attacker to guess moderation-free sender
> addresses by a quick scan of the list archives as well.  what attackers
> are we really trying to defend against here?
>     --dkg

Jonathan Knight
IT Services
Keele University
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