On May 18, 2017, at 07:01 PM, Aurelien Bompard wrote:

>We now have enough lists and activity that Mailman's REST API is
>becoming a bottleneck, since it only answers one request at a time.
>Is there a way to start mutiple REST runners? Or to make the REST
>runner multithreaded?

Thanks for identifying this Aurelien.  Could you open an issue on Core for

Have you done any other analysis on where the bottlenecks are?  Is it CPU, db,

Currently the REST server uses Python's stdlib wsgiref WSGIServer which I'm
positive is not performant enough for your lists.  There are a couple of
options that would be worth investigating.  I played with trying to use
gunicorn, but deleted the branch a while ago (IIRC, there were problems and I
didn't have time to investigate further).  At the very least, I want to look
into asyncio-based REST server (e.g. aiohttp, uvloop), but maybe there are
other parts of the stack we need to look at too.

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