On 1/3/20 11:21 AM, ritwik p wrote:
> Line 53 in `eml_confirm.py` is: new_token, token_owner, member = 
> ISubscriptionManager(mlist).confirm(token)
> I checked the return of function `confirm` of class `ISubscriptionManager` in 
> `/mailman/src/interfaces/subscriptions.py` which says -->
> A 3-tuple is returned where the first element is the token
> hash, the second element is a ``TokenOwner`, and the third element
> is the subscribed member.  If the subscriber got subscribed
> immediately, the token will be None and the member will be
> an ``IMember``.  If the subscription is still being held, the token
> will be a hash and the member will be None.
> But this doesn't say anything of unsubscription??

That's exactly the issue. The code doesn't fully account for
unsubscription. (And comments don't always agree with what the code
actually does.)

> Even if it does, the returns I'm getting are not in conjunction to what is 
> written over there.
> I'm getting a token hash AS WELL AS a member which is thus raising the error.

Because that code didn't take moderation of unsubscriptions into account.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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