Hi, This is Prashant Pandey, I am willing to contribute to Mailman3 as a
GSOC student. I have some doubts about the dev environment.
I set up the local dev environment using
https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/devsetup.html this doc and I used my
forked repos instead of the main repository.
All the apps working fine but when I am creating a new thread using
Hyperkitty it says ("The message has been sent successfully.") but I did
not get this message on the list as shown in the screenshot.  I also tried
with separate docs but they didn't help me.

My question is:
1. Is there any another doc for setting up the local environment?
2. Is mailman core works in the development mode?

I am attaching my debug logs.

Attachment: smtp.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mailman.log
Description: Binary data

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