Quoting Yogesh Bhanu, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
>       I have a peculiar problem I have setup suse 7.1 box to 
> be our mailing list server I am using postfix to send and recieve mail.
> Now Iam  able to send mails from the list but when I try replying 
> It doesnot work looks like the mail goes into a bit bucket any pointers 
> but when I try sending the mail to users on this server it works . 
> I have checked  the crontab entries and tehey are all made.

Can you give some more specific info? Like error-messages, log files.
Without those it will be rather difficult for us to help you out...

Also, there is a section in the INSTALL file that comes with the 
source on Postfix.

Geert Altena | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Coffee, black, no sugar
      Finger for PGPkey : Diffie-Hellman 2048/0xC540C550 
Prediction is difficult, especially of the future. - Niels Bohr

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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