I am running RH 7.1 , Sendmail , and Mailman 2.0.5

Basically I recieve this message in SMTP under /home/mailman/logs/smpt  and a number of ignores in smtp-failure

The strange part is that the list works fine from 3:00 am (or so (inconsistant)) untill 7:00pm or so..  it's only in the times between 7 and 3 that these messages crop up.   crond is not running any unusual jobs, in fact qrunner is chuggin' away.  The only thing I was able to dig up via the archives here was that the mm_cfg.py has to have the correct SMTPHOST = 'localhost' setting   -  I changed my localhost name.  Could this be the only cause?  The qued messages are sent as soon as the hiccup period is over....


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