Having posted Mailman-htdig integration patches on sourceforge and 
subsequently maintained them I am interested in finding out how many sites 
have adopted the patches and want to continue using them. The patches I'm 
referring to are:



and their earlier incarnations 401669/401670:

I'm asking for two reasons:

1. to gauge the likely demand for MM 2.1 compatible version of the patch 
and how urgently it is needed. btw: I've got a MM 2.1a3 compatible version 
of the patches about to be tested and hope to post them on sourceforge next 

2. to see if there is sufficient demand for the patch being integrated with 
the main development trunk of MM. If enough users say they want it then 
presumably the primary MM developers will consider a request to fold the 
patch into the main development line post the MM 2.1 release. My motives 
here are fairly selfish in that I'd like to avoid having to redevelop and 
test the patch again for the next major MM release after 2.1

Reply off list would probably be appropriate. I will collate the responses 
and post to the list a summary of the interest expressed.



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