Hi Colin,

On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 19:09, Colin Mackinlay wrote:
> In <URL:news:local.mailman> on Mon 14 Jan, Mike Gifford wrote:
> > I'm trying to set up mailman on a RH system, but get the following error
> > 403:
> > Forbidden
> > You don't have permission to access /mailman/ on this server.
> Isn't this because you have just accessed /mailman/ which does not
> specifiy the command you want to run.

Wish it came up with some "Hi you've accessed a mailman page" message
rather than a 403

> What happens if you access /mailman/admin ?

Then it worked!  Thanks for your help.

Thanks also for the many suggestions I've already gotten from others on
this list.

Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting, http://www.openconcept.ca
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